Three Walks Through the Prague of 1945 With Josef Sudek’s Photographs

A printed version of the „Prague of 1945 Through Photographs by Josef Sudek” map has the form of a small pocket guidebook with photographs and basic information. It offers three interconnected walks through selected localities of Prague, accompanied by images and short descriptions of places, and encourages readers to use the web application for a more detailed study of these places. 

Sudek Project
Sudek Project
Sudek Project
Sudek Project
Sudek Project
Sudek Project

Mašterová, Katarína – Kubištová, Mariana

Three Walks Through the Prague of 1945 With Josef Sudek’s Photographs (without ISBN)

Support: “Josef Sudek and Photographic Documentation of Works of Art:
From a Private Art Archive to Representing a Cultural Heritage”, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, NAKI II programme, project id.: DG16P02M002 (2016–2020)


PDF of the Map