Metal depository at Maniny; Prague – Holešovice, Maniny, Holešovice port; deconstructed sculpture od František Palacký
Inv. No. S12475N
National Theater Workshops at Větrov, damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S7285N
Queen Anne's Summer Palace
Inv. No. S12542N
Old Town Square on 16 May 1945 – the remembrance parade for those who perished in the Second World War; burnt Old Town Hall in the background; damaged during the Prague Uprising on 5–9 May 1945
Inv. No. S7291N
Queen Anne's Summer Palace
Inv. No. S14666
Sculpture with St. Dominik and sv. Thomas Aquinas from Charles Bridge
Inv. No. S14676
Allegory of Nigt
Inv. No. S12360
Na Slovanech (Emmaus) monastery, the church of Our Lady, Sts Jerome, Cyril and Metodius, Adalbert and Prokop damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S12486N
The metal depository at Maniny
Inv. No. S14217
St. Vitus and St. John the Baptist
Inv. No. S12623N
Villa of Morice Gröbe (Grébovka); damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S2795N
Jerusalem (Milan) candlestick, detail
Inv. No. S12784N
Old Town Halll with an astronomical clock with a protecting brick wall; damaged during the Prague Uprising on 5–9 May 1945
Inv. No. S12528N
Bay Chapel of the Old Town Hall, the honor guard at the monument of the fallen defenders (built from the burnt beams of the Town Hall); damaged during the Prague Uprising on 5–9 May 1945; Prague – Old Town, Old Town Square 3
Inv. No. S12313N
Sculptures of Lumír and Píseň, Přemysl and Libuše; damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S12585N
Na Slovanech monastery (Emmaus), cloister damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S2895B
Antependium with St. John the Baptist
Inv. No. S5522N
Queen Anne's Summer Palace
Inv. No. S5512N
Queen Anne's Summer Palace
Inv. No. S12717N
Old Town Hall, view from the Old Town Hall, the monument of the fallen defenders in the shape of cross built from the burnt beams of the Town Hall, an honor guard; damaged during the Prague Uprising on 5–9 May 1945
Inv. No. S12541N
the metal depository at Maniny; Prague – Holešovice, Maniny, Holešovice port. Jan Hus
Inv. No. S2770N
Holy water font with sculpture of St. Wenceslas
Inv. No. S14061
Wohlmut's Renaissance Arch
Inv. No. S12642N
Na Slovanech monastery (Emmaus), cloister damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S7411C
Crowned Madonna
Inv. No. S12799N
National Theater Workshops at Větrov, damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S2936
St. Adalbert, Jan Očko from Vlašim, Christ embracing the Cross
Inv. No. S12665N
Na Slovanech monastery (Emmaus), cloister damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S12331N
Na Slovanech (Emmaus) monastery, the church of Our Lady, Sts Jerome, Cyril and Metodius, Adalbert and Prokop damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S12526N
Metal depository at Maniny; Prague – Holešovice, Maniny, Holešovice port
Inv. No. S12534N
National Theater Workshops at Větrov, damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S7411B
Crowned Madonna
Inv. No. S2901N
Altar of St. Adalbert
Inv. No. S12624N
Villa of Morice Gröbe (Grébovka); damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S2807B
Middle Gate of the Western Facade of the Cathedral
Inv. No. S12780N
View from the National Museum's ramp to Wenceslas Square (sculptures of Silesia, Vltava, Cechie) towards the house no. 812/59; damaged during the Prague Uprising on 5–9 May 1945
Inv. No. S14016
Parler's portal of an old sacristy, a neo-gothic door, a view from the outside?
Inv. No. S12607N
Bay Chapel of the Old Town Hall, the honor guard at the monument of the fallen defenders (built from the burnt beams of the Town Hall); damaged during the Prague Uprising on 5–9 May 1945
Inv. No. S12679N
Large window of the Old Town Hall and a bronze model of Lumir and Song sculpture; damaged during the Prague Uprising on 5–9 May 1945