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Inv. No. S12636N
Na Slovanech (Emmaus) monastery; chapter hall damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S10951N
Ciborium, replica, detail of the lid
Inv. No. S16169
Inv. No. S14183
Charles IV
Inv. No. S7233N
Piety, gothic statue from Piety altar in Bardějov, detail of Mary
Inv. No. S10886N
Pax, base with figural and floral carved decoration, detail of St. Catherine
Inv. No. S14079
Plinth and profile of the column by Peter Parler
Inv. No. S2686N
Blanche of Valois bust
Inv. No. S14826
Old Town Bridge Tower, coat-of-arms of the Luxembourgish lands, detail
Inv. No. S2615N
Tomb of king Přemysl Otakar I.
Inv. No. S7224N
Chasuble from Smižany, front side
Inv. No. S9440N
Virgin Mary
Inv. No. S10758N
Latin manuscript from Hussite Wars period
Inv. No. S2907N
Choral Book of Arnošt of Pardubice
Inv. No. S14142
A Wild man
Inv. No. S4827N
Gothic figural candlestick
Inv. No. S9114N
Adoration of the Magi
Inv. No. S7078A
Chasuble with the Passion of Christ, detail of the Crucifixion
Inv. No. S12355N
Damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945: The temptation of Christ after Forty days of fasting, after bombing
Inv. No. S14078
Plinth and profile of the column by Matthias of Arras
Inv. No. S2844
The vault of the high chorus
Inv. No. S2790B
St Wenceslas Chapel, western wall, The St. Wenceslas cycle. St. Wenceslas cuts down the gallows, digs the grave and inhumes the poor
Inv. No. S9082D
Enthroned Madonna
Inv. No. S12716N
Prague Uprising on 5–9 May 1945: Old Town Hall, monument of the fallen defenders, church Our Lady before Týn
Inv. No. S12327N
Na Slovanech (Emmaus) monastery, the church of Our Lady, Sts Jerome, Cyril and Metodius, Adalbert and Prokop damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S7407N
Bust of Joanna of Bavaria
Inv. No. S2696N
The Bust of Beneš Krabice of Weitmile
Inv. No. S10914N
Ciborium, carved caliche with motives of evangelists and angels, detail St. Lucas
Inv. No. S7408
The Bust of John of Luxembourg
Inv. No. S12649N
Na Slovanech (Emmaus) monastery, exterior of monastery with west gate; damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945
Inv. No. S2640N
Tomb of Spytihněv II.
Inv. No. S12470N
Na Slovanech (Emmaus) monastery, the church of Our Lady, Sts Jerome, Cyril and Metodius, Adalbert and Prokop damaged by bombing on 14 February 1945;
Inv. No. S14172
Tomb of Přemysl Otakar II., detail
Inv. No. S7236N
Tile, St. Katherine
Inv. No. S9438N
Head of John the Baptist
Inv. No. S7400N
Eliška Přemyslovna bust
Inv. No. S14587
The Tympanum from the Church of Our Lady of the Snow
Inv. No. S9096C
Enthroned Madonna
Inv. No. S2783N
Console, young eagle
Inv. No. S10554BN
Třeboň altar: Three saints, detail of St. Giles (Christ on Mount Olivet on reverse side)
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, Recent additions
huť Petra Parléře
Gálik, Mikuláš
huť Matyáše z Arrasu
Kolínský zv. Savojský, Michael (?–1384/1385)
Nobile, Pietro (1774–1854)
Sprenger, Wilhelm Eduard Paul (1798–1854)
Mistr Třeboňského oltáře
Parléř, Petr (1333–1399)
Mistr M. S.
Semitecolo, Nicoletto (Niccolò) (aktivní v letech 1353–1382)
Mistr Litoměřického oltáře (okolo 1470–?)
Daniel Alexius z Květné (1612 - 1613)
Kaňka, František Maxmilián (1674–1766)
Mistr Jan Weiss
Mistr Vyšebrodského oltáře
Středoevropský (český?) sochař
Mistr Osvald (aktivní kolem poloviny 14. stol.)
Slovenský mistr Madony z Lomničky (?–?)
Mistr Theodorik (před 1328–před 1381)
Severočeský mistr (?)
anonym (neznámý moravský sochař)
bratři z Kluže (Klausenburgu / Koloszváru), Jiří a Martin
Hradčanský zlatník Martin
Jednota pro dostavbu chrámu sv. Víta (Josef Mocker, Kamil Hilbert)
Mistr Václav
středoslovenský řezbář
Hilbert, Kamil (1869–1933)
Jindřich z Gmündu
Kašpar z Brna (kolem přelomu 15. a 16. stol.)
Kranner, Josef Ondřej (1801–1871)
Levočský, Mikuláš (?–?)
Lhota, Antonín (1812–1905)
Lorecký ze Lkouše, Jiří (?–1503)
Mistr Martin (?–?)
Pilgram, Anton (1460–1516)
Ried (Rejt), Benedikt (1454–1534)
Šaloun, Ladislav (1870–1946)
Spiess, Hans/Hanuš (1440–1511)
Sudek, Josef
Wiehl, Antonín (1846–1910)
Braun, Matyáš Bernard (1684–1738)
Dílna Mistra krumlovského sborníku
Gerhaert (žák?), Nicolaus
huť Petra Parléře (?)
Jihočeský sochař (15. stol.)
Leinberger, Hans (Hanuš)
Mistr Antonín
Mistr královehradeckého oltáře
Mistr michelské madony, okruh
Mistr Osvald (?)
mistr z Levoče, Mikuláš (?–?)
Moravský sochař
Rejsek z Prostějova, Matyáš (Matěj)
Spišský řezbář
14th century
original print
decorative arts
15th century
Slovak Republic
16th century
House of Luxembourg
Premyslid dynasty
public collections
St. Vitus cathedral
19th century
20th century
town hall
13th century
treasury of St. Vitus cathedral
illuminated manuscripts
public collections Slovakia
choral books
18th century
12th century
Romanesque style
Middle Ages
romanesque art
17th century
Poor Clares
beuron style
folk art
Jagiellonian dynasty
astronomical clocks
baptismal fonts
Družstevní práce
Eastern Orthodox Church
House of Kolowrat
St. Adalbert
stained glasses
art nouveau
choir benches
National Gallery
portraits of monarchs
Prague Castle
public collections in Moravia
Romanesque art
bird's eyeviews
book covers
late gothic
Mihulka Tower
portraits of sovereigns
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
tomb of bretislav ii.
eliska premyslovna bust
tomb of jan ocko of vlasim
tomb of premysl otakar ii.
choral book of arnost of pardubice
enthroned madonna
caliche, detail
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945,
tomb of king premysl otakar i.
tomb of spytihnev ii.
bay chapel of the old town hall, the honor guard at the monument of the fallen defenders (built from the burnt beams of the town hall); damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
bust of joanna of bavaria
chasuble from bardejov, detail of the adoration of the magi
john of bohemia bust
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), wing of the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
a chalice from batizoviec with figures of symbolic birds on a walnut, detail, a medallion with a bird
chasuble with the life of st. catherine, a detail
madonna from the church of the holy trinity in czech budweis, detail of the frame
old town bridge tower, coat-of-arms of the luxembourgish lands, detail
statue of saint wenceslas
tomb of premysl otakar ii., detail
antependium with rudolph saxon kneeling in front of st. adalbert
chapel of st. sigismund of burgundy, altar of st. sigismund of burgundy
console with a human mask
detail of a gothic caliche
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery; chapter hall damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
antependium with rudolph saxon kneeling in front of st. adalbert, detail
caliche, detail, foundred medailion
chalice, detail pelican feeding its young
chasuble from bardejov, detail of apostles from the death of virgin mary
enthroned madonna from mlada boleslav, a detail
old town hall under the scafonding during the reconstruction and demolition; damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
st. barbara, detail
the bust of benes krabice of weitmile
the bust of st. adalbert of prague
the count hannsa's caliche of spisska bela, detail
wenceslas iv of bohemia bust
board with a shield, mary with the baby in a lily emblem, from church of st. gallen
bust of mikulas holubec
chasuble from abrahamovce, detail, dolorous christ
chasuble from bardejov, detail of the death of virgin mary
chasuble with the passion of christ, detail of the crucifixion
ciborium, replica, detail of the lid
console with the face of the moon
crowned madonna
damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; prague - new town, no. 320/ii, vysehradska 49; ambit of monastery, repairs after raid, window
imperial chapel damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945,
madonna enthroned, detail
marian chasuble, detail of the dorsal cross, madonna with baby jesus
mask from the east fron of old town bridge tower
nativity (detail)
tomb of borivoj ii
trebon altar: three saints, detail of st. giles (christ on mount olivet on reverse side)
anna von schweidnitz bust
anne of bavaria bust
blanche of valois bust
caliche, detail of st. barbara
charles iv, detail
chasuble from smizany, front side
chasuble with crucified christ, a detail
chasuble with the life of st. catherine
christ the sufferer, detail
christ the sufferer in the clouds, detail
church of st wenceslas at zderaz damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
console with a human mask relief from the church of st. james the great in stodulky
console with moses and evangelists from northern portal of church of our lady before tyn
cross from the chasuble, passion of christ, detail - flagellation of christ
damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945: the temptation of christ after forty days of fasting, after bombing
damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; ambit of monastery, repairs after raid
ecce homo with angels
elizabeth of pomerania bust
god the father showing tortured christ detail of christ's head - holy trinity
last judgment, detail st. peter
madonna of hronske, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), northern wing of the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; prague - new town, no. 320/ii, vysehradska 49
pacifical, detail
piety, gothic statue from piety altar in bardejov
saint, detail
st. anna and st, mary, detail
st. george basilica from southeast
the tympanum from the church of our lady before tyn, the last judgement, a detail of the damned
adoration of a child from czech budweiss
adoration of the magi of zelnavsko
a griffin
a griffin (a dragon)
a still life with a beautiful madonna
a wild man
base of the chalice, detail, angel with a pike (symbol of suffering christ)
bohemian and hungarian queen anna jagellonska (borned foix-candale)
broumov chasuble, detail of people under the cross
bust of christ
bust of joanna of bavaria, a cast
canopy of a niche for a pontification chair
captivity of christ, detail
ceiling painting, detail
ceiling painting on a vault
chalice, architectural feature with figural decoration, detail of st. catherine
chalice, detail of stem, medailion, a bishop
chalice, detail of stem, medailion, john the baptist
chalice with figural reliefs, detail on christ on mount olives (christ in gethsemane)
chasuble from smizany, back side, detail of madonna
chasuble with madonna, st. catherine and st. barbara, detail of st. barbara
chasuble with saints in baldachins, detail of dorsal cross, christ (?)
chasuble with saints in medallions, detail of the dorsal cross
chasuble with the passion of christ, detail - carrying of the cross
christ's head, cast of the bolt from the church of st. gothard in slany (madylion)
christ the sufferer in the clouds
ciborium, detail of st. catherine
console, young eagle
cross from the chasuble, passion of christ, detail - carrying of the cross
crystal kettle, a reliquary with a table-cloth from the last supper
enthroned madonna from mlada boleslav
epitaph of marketa, jan ratold's wife, detail
former jewish gate, a figural console of a vault
jan z jenstejna bust
last judgment, detail of apostles's head
last judgment, detail of apostles's head (st. filip?)
madonna, detail
madonna from the church of the holy trinity in czech budweis
madonna of lomnicka, detail
marian chasuble, detail of the dorsal cross, the archangel gabriel
mourning virgin mary
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; prague - new town, no. 320/ii, vysehradska 49
new town hall and water reservoir at the charles squeare; prague - new town
old town hall, view from the old town hall, the monument of the fallen defenders in the shape of cross built from the burnt beams of the town hall, an honor guard; damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
old town halll with an astronomical clock with a protecting brick wall; damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
pacifical, back side, detail
pacifical, detail (mary)
passional of abbess kunigunde
pax, detail of mary
pedastal with two lying lions from kourim, detail
peter parler bust
saint of pohurka
sanktuarium, detail veraikon (mandylion)
sculpture repository in the st. salvator church (sculpture of cardinal bedrich count of schwarzenberg and frantisek ladislav rieger, by j. v. myslbek)
statue of wenceslas iv, detail, from the east front of old town bridge tower
striped chasuble with saints
striped chasuble with saints, detail of st. paul
st vitus cathedral, inventory, sculpture and carvings stored before bombing
st vitus cathedral, the golden gate with the last judgement mosaic
the bust of ernest of pardubice
the bust of john of jenstejn
the bust of leonard busek
the bust of ondrej kotlik, 4th builder of the cathedral
the bust of wenceslas iv.
the last judgement of rozmberk, 14 holy helpers, detail of st. christopher and st. george
the plenary of the canon hanus of kolowrat (the so-called 'kolowratsky') with the relic of the true cross and the remains of st. ludmila, st. agapitus, st. vitus, st. wenceslas, st. agnes of rome, st. zigmund, st. euphemia, st. barbara and st. adalbert
the supporting head with a relief of vegetal and figural adornment
the tombstone of magdalen of gleichenau ( 1492), wife of henry iv. from hradec, detail with coat-of-arms
tomb of borivoj ii, detail
tomb of king premysl otakar i., detail of the head
tomb of premysl otakar i., detail of the lion
tombstone of an abbess
trebon altar: the entombment, detail of mary
vaclav z radce bust
virgin and child with saint anne, a detail
(embroidery, figurative composition)
a chalice from batizoviec with figures of symbolic birds on a walnut, complete
a chalice from batizoviec with figures of symbolic birds on a walnut, detail
a female head from trebon
a female stone head
a gothic capital with rich figural decoration
a griffin (a lion)
antependium of st. anne chapel
antependium of st. anne chapel, detail of st. anne
baldachin, from the old town hall in prague
bay chapel of the old town hall, the honor guard at the monument of the fallen defenders (built from the burnt beams of the town hall); damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945; prague - old town, old town square 3
blanche of valois bust, cast
bombing on 14 february 1945; massacre of the innocents, escape to egypt, after bombing
broumov chasuble
broumov chasuble, detail of crucifixion
bust of arnost z pardubic
bust of st. vitus
caliche, detail of an angel with a ribbon
caliche, detail of st. andrew
caliche, detail of st. catherine of alexandria
caliche, detail of st. giles
caliche, detail of the crucifixion
caliche, detail of the enamel decoration of a cherub
caliche from lucivna, detail of the basket - emblem of st. john the evangelist
chalice, architectural feature with figural decoration, detail, the passion of st. sebastian
chalice, architectural feature with figural decoration, detail of st. mary magdalene
chalice, detail christ on the mount of olives (st. veronica)
chalice, detail of a walnut with a saint (st. elizabeth ?)
chalice, detail of a walnut with st. dorothy
chalice, detail of st. catherine of alexandria
chapel of john the baptist, jerusalem (milanese) candlestick
chapel of st. sigismund of burgundy, 19th century stained glass
charles iv
chasuble, detail
chasuble from abrahamovce, detail, st. george
chasuble from bardejov, the death of virgin mary and the adoration of the magi
chasuble from smizany, front side, detail of an angel
chasuble with crucified christ
chasuble with madonna, st. catherine and st. barbara, detail of st. catherine
chasuble with saints in baldachins, detail of dorsal cross, christ ?
chasuble with saints in baldachins, detail of dorsal cross, st. augustine (?)
chasuble with saints in baldachins, detail of dorsal cross, st. jerome (?)
chasuble with saints in baldachins, detail of dorsal cross, st. longinus
chasuble with saints in baldachins, detail of dorsal cross, st. peter
chasuble with st. adalbert of prague, a detail
chasuble with the passion of christ
chasuble with the passion of christ, detail of thorn coronation
christ by a stake
christ from novosedla, detail
christ of the holy sepulchre from ceske budejovice, detail
ciborium, replica
ciborium, replica, detail of christ infront of pilate
ciborium, replica, detail of crucifixion of christ, st. john the evangelist
ciborium, replica, detail of judas kiss
ciborium, replica, detail of st. peter (?)
console, adam and eve and the tree of the knowledge
console, head of man
console, man with the huge hair
cross from the chasuble, passion of christ, detail of the crucifixion
czech manuscript from the end of the 15th century, death of mary
doors of tabernacle on the chapel's east wall
ecce homo
eliska premyslovna bust, cast
elizabeth of pomerania bust, cast
equestrian statue of st. george killing a dragon
fight between a cat and a dog
god the father showing tortured christ - holy trinity
head of john the baptist
head of john the baptist from tajov
jerusalem (milan) candlestick
jerusalem (milan) candlestick, detail
keystone with symbol of johann from drazice from st. anne chapel (nostic's chapel) in st. vitus cathedral
latin manuscript from hussite wars period
madonna ara coeli, detail in the frame, st. catherine
madonna from st. jacob church in brno
madonna of janovice with st. elizabeth and st. catherine
madonna of lomnicka
madonna of veveri, a detail
madonna with the child
main altar
main altar, st. barbara, detail
marian chasuble, detail of tthe dorsal cross, annunciation of virgin mary
marian chasuble, dorsal cross with the annunciation, st. nicholas (?) and st. andrew
monstrance from bojnice
monstrance from bojnice, detail of evangelists st. mark and st. john
mourning virgin mary, detail
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945;
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery from the west; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; prague - new town, no. 320/ii, vysehradska 49
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), southern wing of the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
old town bridge tower, detail of the console pelican (?)
old town hall, south wing; damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
old town hall with astronomical clock; damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
opava (komarov) lamb (agnus dei)
ostensorium st. catherine of alexandria
pacifical, detail (kneeling donators?)
pacifical, detail (luke the evangelist)
pacifical, detail of christ the sufferer
pacifical, detail of the annunciation of mary, detail of archangel gabriel
pacifical, detail of the resurrection of christ
pacifical, front side, detail of crucifixion
parler's portal of an old sacristy, a neo-gothic door, a view from the outside?
pax, base with figural and floral carved decoration
pieta from liderovice
plinth and profile of the column by matthias of arras
plinth and profile of the column by peter parler
prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945 : mistr jan hus monument; old town hall under the scafonding during the reconstruction and demolitionof south wing
reliquary bust of st. vitus
reliquary cross of pope urban v.
saint christopher
saint christopher, detail
saint cyril
saint ludmila
saint of dolni vltavice
saint of homole, detail
saint procopius of sazava
saint wenceslas
st. adalbert, detail
st. adalbert, jan ocko from vlasim, christ embracing the cross
st. george killing the dragon
st. john the evangelist of trebon
st. nicholas
st. nicholas, detail
st. vitus cathedral, transept
statue of charles iv, from old town bridge tower
statue of charles iv, from old town bridge tower, detail
statue of wenceslas iv, from the east front of old town bridge tower
stove extender
stove extender in a form of a head of a turk, folk statue
striped chasuble with saints, detail of st. george
striped chasuble with saints, detail of st. stephen
striped chasuble with saints, front (pectoral) side, a detail
st vitus cathedral, portico of golden gate, detail of the vault
st vitus cathedral, protective brick wall around the royal oratory, the southern ambulatory; anti-air raid precautionary measure
st vitus cathedral, southern ambulatory, protective brick walls around the royal oratory ant the premyslid tombstones; anti-air raid precautionary measure
st wenceslas chapel, eastern wall with the statue of st wenceslas
st wenceslas chapel, western wall, the st. wenceslas cycle. st. wenceslas cuts down the gallows, digs the grave and inhumes the poor
support head with floral and figurative motifs
sv. vitus cathedral, southern staircase, support system
the baptismal font
the bust of andrew kotlik, 4th building manager
the bust of mikulas holubec
the bust of virgin mary
the cathedral of the holy ghost, the white tower and the townhall, view from the east
the cathedral of the holy ghost and the white tower, view from the east
the count hannsa's caliche of spisska bela
the honor guard at the monument of the fallen defenders; damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
the tympanum from the church of our lady of the snow
the tympanum from the church of our lady of the snow, a detail of mary's coronation
the vault of the high chorus
tops of vials from st. barbara's church in kutna hora
trebon altar: the entombment, detail
trebon altar: the entombment of christ, detail of christ
trebon altar: three saints, detail of mary magdalene (christ on mount olivet on reverse side)
trebon altar: three saints, detail of st. catherine (christ on mount olivet on reverse side)
trebon altar: three saints, detail of st. margarete (christ on mount olivet on reverse side)
veraikon (mandylion) of st. vitus
vyssi brod altar, lamentation of christ
(detail of a gothic ceiling with a relief)
(figures on a hunt)
(madona with the child)
(madonna with the child between the saints)
(saint), detail
a cross with pruned branches, area of central-slovakian mining towns
a cross with pruned branches, area of central-slovakian mining towns, detail
adoratin, detail
adoration of the magi
a gable with the sign of the czech lion
a gothic panel painting
altar from dubany
antependium with rudolph saxon kneeling infront of st. adalbert, detail
antependium with rudolph saxon kneeling in front st. adalbert, detail
apostle from church of st. james in brno
ark from doudleby, the birth, detail
a support head from the former st. ludmila's chapel of the tyn church
a tomb
balcony base of the astronomical clock at old town square
baptismal font , detail of the relief
base of the chalice, detail, angel with a cross (symbol of suffering christ)
base of the chalice, detail, angel with a scourge (symbol of suffering christ)
base of the chalice, detail, angel with a sponge and a vinegar (symbol of suffering christ)
base of the chalice, detail, figure with scourges (symbol of suffering christ)
base of the chalice, detail, suffering christ
bible of martinic
bombing of prague on 14 february 1945, st. wenceslav church on zderaz, prague
broumov chasuble, back side, dorsal cross, a detail of crucifixion
broumov chasuble, detail of st. luke
broumov chasuble, detail of st. mark
broumov chasuble, detail of st. matthew
broumov chasuble, front side, detail of christ's birth
bust of canon ondrej kotlik, the 4th head of construction
bust of jan ocko of vlasim
bust of mary (?)
caliche, base with carved decoration, detail of john the evangelist
caliche, base with carved decoration, detail of mary
caliche, base with carved decoration of mary and saints
caliche, detail of the enamel decoration of an eagel
caliche, engraved medallion st. barbara
caliche, engraved medallion the madonna enthroned
caliche from lucivna, detail of the basket - emblem of st. lucas
caliche from lucivna, detail of the basket - emblem of st. matthew
caliche from lucivna, the base
calvary, sculptoral group, detail of mary
calvary, sculptoral group, john the evangelist
calvary, sculptoral group, john the evangelist, detail of hands
calvary sculptural group, detail of virgin mary
ceiling painting ?
chalice, architectural feature, with engraved medallions on the base
chalice, architectural feature with figural decoration
chalice, architectural feature with figural decoration, detail, john the apostle
chalice, architectural feature with figural decoration, detail, madonna
chalice, architectural feature with figural decoration, detail of a saint
chalice, architectural feature with figural decoration, detail of st. james
chalice, detail of a walnut, ecce homo
chalice, detail of a walnut with saint catherine
chalice, detail of a walnut with st. barbara
chalice, detail of a walnut with st. catherine
chalice, detail of a walnut with st. margaret
chalice, medallion from half of 14th century, other decoration from 16th century
chalice with figural reliefs
chalice with figural reliefs, detail on christ in majesty
chalice with figural reliefs, detail on the resurrection
chapel of st. sigismund of burgundy from central nave
chasuble from abrahamovce, detail, st. john the evangelist
chasuble from abrahamovce, detail, st. paul
chasuble from bardejov, detail of apostle from the death of virgin mary
chasuble from bardejov, detail of the massacre of the innocents
chasuble with byzantine embroidery, detail of st. demetrius
chasuble with saints in baldachins, dorsal cross
chasuble with saints in medallions, detail of the dorsal cross, annunciation of virgin mary
chasuble with st. adalbert of prague
chasuble with the passion of christ, detail - descent from the cross
chasuble with the passion of christ, detail - prayer in gethsemane
chodba b, chodba atalanty, neptun tisici vlny
choir pews
choir pews (stalla)
christ, folk woodcut
christ the sufferer from company of st. ursula in brno, before restoration
ciborium, carved caliche with motives of evangelists and angels
ciborium, carved caliche with motives of evangelists and angels, detail of angels
ciborium, carved caliche with motives of evangelists and angels, detail st. lucas
ciborium, carved caliche with motives of evangelists and angels, st. john
ciborium, carved caliche with motives of evangelists and angels, st. mark
ciborium, carved caliche with motives of evangelists and angels, st. matthew
ciborium, detail of madonna
ciborium, detail of mary magdalene
ciborium, replica, detail of christ on the mount of olives
ciborium, replica, detail of lashing of christ
ciborium, replica, detail of the annunciation
closed gothic altar
console, crowned lion with two tails
console, mask
console with devil and judas
corbel with the face of the moon (for the statue of assunta)
cross from the chasuble, passion of christ, detail - christ before pilate
cross from the chasuble, passion of christ, detail of mary and john from crucifixion
cross from the chasuble, passion of christ, detail of the crucified
cross from the chasuble, passion of christ, detail of thorn coronation
cross from the chasuble, scenes from the passion of christ
crucified christ
crucifixion, detail of mary
crucifixion, detail of st john the evangelist
damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945: church of st. mary, st. jerome, st.. cyril and st. method, sv. prokop and st. vojtech after bombing
damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; prague - new town, no. 320/ii, vysehradska 49; ambit of monastery, repairs after raid
damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; prague - new town, no. 320/ii, vysehradska 49; garden of edenambit in monastery, repairs after raid, view from the ambit's window
death of mary from brno
death of mary from kosatky, detail
detail of a gothic caliche, veraikon
detail of the crucifid's head
double exposure: na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop and ambit of monastery; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945,
double support heads, from the monastery of the beatified agnes in prague
elizabeth of pomerania bust, detail
embroidery, st. catherine, madona and st. agnese rome
enthroned madonna on a lion, bolt on a nave's ribbed vault
equestrian statue of st. george killing a dragon, detail
former monastery church of poor clares, entrance portal
fragment of a statue
fragment of a statue, a man with a lute
fragment of a statue, saint (?)
frant book binding of a gospel book
gallery, a view from the window of the old vestry
gothic chasuble with madonna, st. catherine and st. barbara
gothic figural candlestick
gothic figural candlestick, detail
gothic metal object, detail
gothic statue, detail
house reliquary
house reliquary, front side
hradec kralove altar, the middle part
jan jindrich lucembursky bust
john the baptist
keystone, from st. vitus cathedral
keystone, shield with the czech lion
lapidarium of the national museum, hall 1, romanesque and gothic statues, lions from kourim in the front
last judgment, middle part, detail charles iv
last judgment, middle part, detail elizabeth of pomerania
last supper
late gothic desk
madona of alttoting, replica, detail of a head
madonna and child
madonna and child, detail
madonna ara coeli, detail in the frame
madonna enthroned
madonna from poprad
madonna from the church of the holy trinity in czech budweis, detail
madonna of buchlovice
madonna of hronske, exhibition slovakian old art (?), detail
madonna of lubietova, exhibition stare umeni na slovensku (?)
madonna of lubietova, vystava stare umeni na slovensku (?), detail
madonna of strazky
madonna of svabce, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
madonna of veveri
madonna with baby jesus
marian chasuble, detail of the dorsal cross, annunciation of virgin mary
marian chasuble, detail of the dorsal cross, st. andrew
marian chasuble, detail of the dorsal cross, st. nicholas
mary (one of three) from the holy sepulchre in freiburg
mary from st. majdelena, detail of mary's breasts
mary on a halfmoon, (assumpta)
matyas z arrasu bust
monstrance from bojnice, embedded relief statuettes of apostles from 18th century, detail
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, exterior of monastery with west gate; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop - staircase of the southern tower; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; prague - new town, no. 320/ii, vysehradska 49
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop with a statue of saint placidus; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945,
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), monastery buildings damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; prague - new town, no. 320/ii, vysehradska 49
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), northern wing of the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), southern wing of the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945; prague - new town, no. 320/ii, vysehradska 49
north arcade with the pulpit
northern arcades
northern arcades with baroque pulpit
northern door of st. wenceslas chapel
northern side nave, view into transept
old new synagogue
old town bridge tower, st. sigismund and st. adalbert
old town bridge tower - wenceslas iv. and czech coat of arms
old town hall under the scafonding) during tghe reconstruction and demolition of hte south wind; damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
onyx goblet
open gothic altar
ostensorium with sign of parler's family and ostatky remains of st. benedikt, antonius, nicholas, martin de tour, giles, alexius, onofrius and prokop
pacifical, back side
pacifical, back side, detail of asumpta
pacifical, back side, detail of christ
pacifical, back side asumpta
pacifical, datail of stand
pacifical, detail (king or saint)
pacifical, detail of stand
pacifical, detail with st. john
pacifical, detail with the figure of luke the evangelist
pacifical, front side crucifixion
pacifikal, revers, detail
pacifikal, revers, detail of christ
part of a column in the lapidarium of national museum in prague (?)
pax, back side, arm of the cross with st. catherine
pax, back side with assumption
pax, base with figural and floral carved decoration, detail of mary with child jesus
pax, base with figural and floral carved decoration, detail of st. catherine
pax, detail of crucified christ
pax, detail of st. john
pax, front side, arm of the cross with st. john
pax, front side, arm of the cross with st. margaret
pax, front side, arm of the cross with st. mark
pax, front side, arm of the cross with st. matthew
pax, revers, detail
pieta from liderovice, a detail
piety, gothic statue from piety altar in bardejov, detail of mary
piety of liderovice
prague uprising 5 to 9 may 1945; old town hall, cp. 1/i, praha - stare mesto, staromestske namesti 3
prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945: old town hall, monument of the fallen defenders, church our lady before tyn
relief decoration of tymnpanum from the church of st. bartholomew in kolin
reliquary cross of pope urban v., detail charles iv. and wenceslav iv. adore the relics of christ's lumbar veils
reliquary cross of pope urban v., detail crucifixion
reliquary cross of pope urban v., detail pope urban v. and cardinal pierre roger de beaufort adore the relics of christ's lumbar veils
reliquary in the shape of the cross
reliquirary of st. klement
saint sigismund of burgundy
sculptural group of st. anne of wissemburg, detail of mary
sculpture repository in the st. salvator church (sculpture of frantisek rieger, by j. v. myslbek)
slovakian gothic statue, half-figure of a saint
so-called 'svatovojtesska' pontificating glove, detail of fibula with picture of st. benedict
southeastern corner of the cloister of the old st. vitus basilica
st. barbara
st. florian
st. florian, detail
st. george, detail
st. helena
st. katherine
st. nicholas of myra, detail, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
st. nicholas of myra, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
st. sebastian
st. vitus cathedral, central nave
st. vitus cathedral, central nave from chapel of st. john the baptist
st. vitus cathedral, central nave from east
st. vitus cathedral, central nave from northeast
st. vitus cathedral, central nave from west
st. vitus cathedral, southern arcades featuring coats of arms
st. vitus cathedral, southern arcades of central nave
st. vitus cathedral, view from chapel of st. john the baptist featuring tomb of borivoj ii of bohemia
st. vitus cathedral and mihulka tower from the royal garden
st. vitus cathedral and the third courtyard
st. vitus cathedral from michna's palace
st. vitus cathedral from the royal garden
st. vitus catherdal, southern facade
st. vitus catherdal, southern facade from pacassi balcony
st. wenceslas, a cast, a detail
st. wenceslas chapel
st. wenceslas chapel, eastern wall with the statue of st. wenceslas
striped chasuble with saints, detail of st. peter
striped chasuble with saints, detail of the center of the cross
st vitus cathedral, detail of buttress and gargoyle
st vitus cathedral, nave from west
st vitus cathedral and the stag moat from the royal garden
st wenceslas chapel, detail of the northern wall
support head, relief of leaves and blossoms from the former church of the holy grand cross in prague
sv. apostol (?) nebo taktez zehnajici kristus
telegdi's chalice decorated with wire enameling, detail: decoration of the base
text of a manuscript from the 14th century
the bojnice ciborium, detail of st. martin of tours sharing his cloak with a beggar
the bust of andrew kotlik, 4th builder of the cathedral
the bust of joanna of bavaria
the bust of john henry of luxembourg
the bust of john of luxembourg
the bust of matthias of arras
the bust of wenceslas, duke of luxembourg
the cathedral of the holy ghost, nave and presbytery
the cathedral of the holy ghost, the interior
the cathedral of the holy ghost, the nave and the presbytery
the cathedral of the holy ghost, the white tower and the townhall
the cathedral of the holy ghost and the white tower, view from the southwest
the descent of the holy spirit
the great square with the cathedral of the holy ghost, view from the south
the lapidarium of the national museum, hall no. 1, romanesque and gothic artefacts
the last judgement, middle part, detail on the patrons of the czech lands (st. procopius, st. zigmund, st. vitus, st. wenceslas, st. ludmila, st. adalbert)
the lions from kourim
the pastophorium, detail of the grid
the royal oratory
the royal oratory, the eastern part, the statue of the miner at the bottom
the st. wenceslas cycle. murder of st. wenceslas
the tombstone of peter parler
the tympanum from the church of st. bartholomew in kolin, a detail
the white tower and the cathedral of the holy ghost, view from the southwest
tile, st. katherine
tile, st. paul
tile, st. peter
tomas stitny of stitne, the six-volume clementinum collection
tomb of borivoj ii, jerusalem (milanese) candlestick, john the baptist chapel
tomb of bretislav ii
tomb of bretislav ii, detail
tomb of premysl otakar ii, detail
tomb of spytihnev ii., detail
tombstone of albert de crossna ( 1399), rector of st. nicholas church
tombstone of matthew of arras
towers of the cathedral of the holy ghost, view from the white tower
tumb of bretislav i
tympanum, detail
tympanum with holy trinity
vaclav lucembursky bust
virgin and child with saint anne, detail of hands
virgin mary
virgin mary (?)
virgin mary between saints
votive painting of jan vocko of vlasim, detail
votive painting of jan vocko of vlasim, detail - st. ludmila
vyssi brod altar, nativity of jesus
vyzdoba stropu, chodba b, chodba atalanty, horni pole dioskurove-zavod na konich (b 19), spodni pole zena nesouci kosik, mysticka cesta
wenceslaus iv of bohemia bust
whipping (?)
wing of the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
panel paintng
mural (?)
folk faience
satin stitch
stained glass
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