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Inv. No. S5261N
Bedřich Smetana, for the monument in Poděbrady, larger-than-life size (for Karlovy Vary)
Inv. No. S9178N
Inv. No. S1292N
Allegory of Fire from attica of Kinsky Palace in Prague
Inv. No. S379N
A competition design of the monument to Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk for Prague
Inv. No. S5350N
Inv. No. S9744N
Female Sitting Nude
Inv. No. S9440N
Virgin Mary
Inv. No. S7374N
Ceiling decoration, hall K
Inv. No. S2624N
Tomb of Bořivoj II, detail
Inv. No. S7552B
The Polish Army Memorial
Inv. No. S2800N
Bust of bishop Antonín Podlaha
Inv. No. S7346N
Ceiling decoration, hall I
Inv. No. S5630N
Group sculpture of St Barbara, Margaret and Elizabeth from the Charles Bridge, detail
Inv. No. S284N
Two Women, detail
Inv. No. S1297N
Fragment of a tympanon, Jesus
Inv. No. S9869A
Inv. No. S10256
Portrait of Eliška Wichterlová
Inv. No. S9388N
Portrait of Mrs. T.
Inv. No. S9287N
Martička Kerhartová
Inv. No. S14149
Saint Cyril
Inv. No. S14653
Group sculpture of St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Procopius from the Charles Bridge
Inv. No. S10333N
Inv. No. S438A
On Duty!
Inv. No. S13347N
Death mask of a woman
Inv. No. S9571N
St. John the Baptist
Inv. No. S5478A
Inv. No. S11184AN
Portrait of a Red Army Soldier
Inv. No. S11259N
Statue of St. Barbara, main altar
Inv. No. S13079N
St. Peter, statue on the baroque bridge in Náměšť nad Oslavou
Inv. No. S2693
The Bust of Matthias of Arras
Inv. No. S5512N
Queen Anne's Summer Palace
Inv. No. S14573
Console, head of man
Inv. No. S1321
Equestrian statue of St. George Killing a Dragon
Inv. No. S13068N
Singing Cupid
Inv. No. S1724N
Study of Monument to Josef Mánes
Inv. No. S5297AN
Alegorical group of 2nd work of a competition for the monument to T. G. Masaryk
Inv. No. S1305BN
The Tympanum from the former Church of St. Lazarus in Prague, The Raising of Lazarus
Inv. No. S14051
St Vitus Cathedral, detail of buttress and gargoyle
Inv. No. S9988N
Statuette of Sitting Woman
Inv. No. S247B
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, Recent additions
Mařatka, Josef (1874–1937)
Wagner, Josef (1901–1957)
huť Petra Parléře
Otáhal, Karel (1901–1972)
Lidický, Karel (1900–1976)
Famíra, Emanuel (1900–1970)
Jaška, Jiří (1906–1982)
Braun, Matyáš Bernard (1684–1738)
Makovský, Vincenc (1900–1966)
Zatloukal, Cyril (1894–1962)
Stefan, Bedřich (1896–1982)
Myslbek, Josef Václav (1848–1922)
Kafka, Bohumil (1878–1945)
Wichterlová, Hana (1903–1990)
Lauda, Jan (1896–1959)
Rodin, Auguste (1840–1917)
Dvořák, Karel (1893–1950)
Brokof, Ferdinand Maxmilián (1688–1731)
Pichl, Ladislav (1923–1995)
della Stella, Paolo (?–1552)
Kotrba, Karel (1893–1939)
Pokorný, Karel (1891–1962)
Kaplický, Josef (1899–1962)
Antek, Josef (1911–1991)
Štursa, Jan (1880–1925)
Vratislavský sochař z rodiny Waltherů (?)
Černý, František Maria (1903–1978)
Preiss, František (1660–1712)
Kolínský zv. Savojský, Michael (?–1384/1385)
Wagnerová-Kulhánková, Marie (1906–1983)
Šaloun, Ladislav (1870–1946)
Fischer von Erlach, Josef Emanuel (1693–1742)
Vokálek, Václav (1891–1970)
Markup, Václav (1904–1995)
Winterhalder st., Josef (1702–1769)
Maillol, Aristide (1861–1944)
Brokof, Jan (1652–1718)
Hnízdo, Vladimír Jan (1914–1978)
huť Matyáše z Arrasu
Jelínek, Alexander (1704–1743)
Švec, Otakar (1892–1955)
Vries, Adriaen de (1556–1626)
Despiau, Charles (1874–1946)
Ebner (?–?)
Fragner, Jaroslav (1821–1967)
Krbálek, Pavel (1928–2015)
Mosto, Ottavio (1659–1701)
Palouš, Josef (1888–1952)
Prachner, Václav (1784–1832)
Colin z Mechelen, Alexander (1527/1529–1612)
Neumann, Karel Tomy (1988–1966)
Dobrovolný, Viktor (1909–1987)
Langenberger, Alois (1898–1962)
Nejtek, Václav (?) (1899–1958)
Parléř, Petr (1333–1399)
Kaňka, František Maxmilián (1674–1766)
Mocker, Josef (1835–1899)
Platzer, Ignaz František (1717–1787)
Bílek, František (1872–1941)
Braun, Matyáš Bernard, dílna
Filla, Emil (1882–1953)
Schmidhammer, Georg (?–1577)
Bernard, Joseph Antoine (1866–1931)
Bourdelle, Emile-Antoine (1861–1929)
Čihař (?–?)
Kavan, Jan (1905–1986)
Max, Emanuel (1810–1901)
Antoš, Václav (1878–1938)
Kubíček, Josef (1890–1972)
Levý, Václav (1820–1870)
Schwarz, Josef Václav (1908–1988)
Březa, Rudolf (1888–1955)
Mistr Pavel z Levoče (kolem 1470–1540)
Šejnost, Josef (1878–1941)
Sucharda, Stanislav (1886–1916)
Sudek, Josef
Blažek, Vlastimil (1878–1950)
Kaplický (?), Josef (1899–1962)
Kofránek, Ladislav Jan (1880–1954)
Max, Josef (1804–1855)
Mistr M. S.
Nejtek, Václav (1899–1958)
Wagner, Antonín Pavel (1834–1895)
Mistr Jan Weiss
Pacák (?), Jiří František (1670–1742)
Prosecký, František (1905–1979)
Rabas, Václav (1885–1954)
Schwarzerová-Kriseová, Zdeňka (1908–1997)
Zlatníková (?), Marie (1901–1985)
Jihočeský mistr (?) (kolem přelomu 15. a 16. stol.)
Jirásková, Marta (1898–1981)
Lauda (?), Jan (1896–1959)
Schnirch, Bohuslav (1845–1901)
Sopr, Alois (1913–1993)
Středoevropský (český?) sochař
Zlatníková, Marie (1901–1985)
Zlatníková, Marie (1901–1985)
Znoj, Jan (1905–1950)
Benda (?)
Beutler, Miroslav (1897–1964)
Braun (?), Matyáš Bernard (1684–1738)
Brüderle, Jan Michal (?–1740)
Jiříkovský, Josef (1892–1950)
Koubek, Bohumír (1931–?)
Pilgram, Anton (1460–1516)
Rejsek z Prostějova (?), Matyáš (Matěj) (1445–1506)
Schwarz (?), Josef Václav (1908–1988)
Slovenský mistr Madony z Lomničky (?–?)
z Budějovic, Václav
Barták (?), František (1901–1965)
Červ, Jan (1905–2002)
Daumier, Honoré (1808–1879)
Gutfreund, Otto (1889–1927)
Jiříkovský (?), Josef (1892–1950)
Malínský, Josef (1752–1827)
Schwarzerová-Kriseová (?), Zdeňka (1908–1997)
Sequens, František (1836–1896)
Severočeský mistr (?)
Sopr (?), Alois (1913–1993)
Velinský, Otakar (1879–1959)
Wagner (?), Josef (1901–1957)
Wurzelbauer, Benedikt (1548–1620)
Zoula, Gustav (1871–1915)
anonym (neznámý moravský sochař)
Bendl, Jan Jiří (1620–1680)
bratři z Kluže (Klausenburgu / Koloszváru), Jiří a Martin
Degas, Edgar
Gauguin, Paul (1848–1903)
Gočár, Josef (1880–1945)
Gonzales, Julio (1871–1942)
Heermannn, Jan Jiří (1640–1700)
Heermannn, Pavel (1673–1732)
Jäckel, Matěj Václav (1655–1738)
Janeček, Ota (1919–1996)
Jindřich z Gmündu
Kranner, Josef Ondřej (1801–1871)
Kříž, Josef (1932–2006)
Mathey, Jean Baptiste (1630–1696)
Mistr Litoměřického oltáře (okolo 1470–?)
Mistr Osvald (aktivní kolem poloviny 14. stol.)
Mistr zvíkovského Oplakávání
Nešpor, Jaromír (1913–?)
Norimberská dílna Vischerů
Prachner (?), Richard Jiří (1705–1782)
Prachner, Richard Jiří (1705–1782)
Quittainer, Jan Antonín (1709–1765)
Renoir, Auguste (1841–1919)
Seeling, Bernard Otto (1850–1895)
středoslovenský řezbář
Achtermann, Theodor Vilém (1799–1884)
Adámek, František Václav (1713–1779)
anonymní barokní řezbář
Balounová, Anna (1923–*)
Barye, Antoine-Louis (1796–1875)
Benda, Břetislav (1897–1983)
Bergler, Josef (1753–1829)
Čechpauer, Jan Pavel (?–1726)
Čermák, František (1822–1884)
Ducháček, Jiří (1903–1974)
Ducháčková - Beránková, Věra
Grasser (okruh), Erasmus
Havlíček, arch. Josef (1899–1961)
Janák, Pavel (1881–1957)
Ježek, Martin (?–?)
Kašpar z Brna (kolem přelomu 15. a 16. stol.)
Kastner, Jan (1860–1912)
Lauffer, Emil Johann (1837–1909)
Mayer, Jan Oldřich (1666–1721)
Neumann (?), Karel Tomy (1888–1966)
Pelikán, Štefan (1935–?)
Plečnik, Josip (1872–1957)
Roubalík, Bohumír (1945–1928)
Rudl, Zikmund, (1861–1936)
Severoitalský sochař
Šíma, Josef (1891–1971)
Šimek, Ludvík (1837–1886)
Štipl, Karel (1889–1972)
Stupecká, Františka (1913–1995)
Štyrský, Jindřich (1899–1942)
Švabinský, Max (1873–1962)
Swerts, Jan (1820–1879)
Vosmík, Čeněk (1860–1944)
Waigant (?), Antonín (1880–1916)
Wlérick, Robert (1882–1944)
Ženíšek, František (1849–1916)
Arnold, Henri (1879–1945)
Bělocvětov, Andrej (1923–1997)
Beutler (?), Miroslav (1897–1964)
Bologna - dílna, Giovanni da (1529–1608)
Brokof (?), Ferdinand Maxmilián 1688–1731)
Brokof, Michal Jan Josef (1686–1721)
Buonarotti, Michelangelo (1475–1564)
da Vinci - dílna, Leonardo (1452–1519)
Duras, Mary (1898–1982)
Dušek (?), Jan Vítězslav
Dvořáček, J. (?–?)
Fanta, Josef (1856–1954)
Gerhaert (žák?), Nicolaus
Hřebíková, Š.
Hudeček, František (1909–1990)
Jihočeský sochař (15. stol.)
Kalous, Josef (1889–1958)
Kalvoda, Antonín (1907–1974)
Klein, Josef (1700–1787)
Kryštůfek, Jiří (1932–2014)
Langerberger, Alois (1898–1962)
Lederer, František Xaver (1758–1811)
Leinberger, Hans (Hanuš)
Linn, František (1802–1848)
Lurago, Carlo (1615–1684)
Manolo (1872–1945)
Mauder, Josef (1854–1920)
Mistr michelské madony, okruh
Mistr Pavel z Levoče (okruh)
Moravský sochař
Platzer, Robert (1831–1868)
Prachner (?), Václav (1784–1832)
Preisler, Jan (1872–1918)
Procházka, Antonín (1882–1945)
Rejsek z Prostějova, Matyáš (Matěj)
Rieglová, Marta Marie
Roccatagliata (dílna), Nicoló (1593–1636)
Roccatagliata, Nicolo (1593–1636)
Rölf, P.
Škréta, Karel (1610–1674)
Španiel, Otakar (1881–1955)
Spišský řezbář
Stefan (?), Bedřich (1896–1982)
Susini (?), Antonio (?–1624)
Úprka, Franta (1868–1929)
Vaníček, Bedřich (1885–1955)
Venda (Wendl), Ferdinand
Vischer st., Peter (1455–1529)
Vosmík, Čeněk (1860–1944)
Wagner, Antonín Pavel (1834–1895)
Žalud, Václav (1894–1977)
Zoula, Augustin (1871–1915)
20th century
original print
14th century
18th century
19th century
16th century
decorative arts
St. Vitus cathedral
House of Luxembourg
summer palaces
17th century
French Modern Sculptor
15th century
Charles Bridge
Premyslid dynasty
public collections
portrayal of politicians
Slovak Republic
portraits of artists
funeral statues
13th century
portraits of writers
portraits of composers
Romanesque art
12th century
war memorials
romanesque art
documentation Josef Mařatka
late gothic
Lapidarium of the National Musem
architectural statue
documentation Bohumil Kafka
folk art
non-European ethnic art
portraits of musicians
portraits of the artists
death masks
portraits of aristocracy
documentation Aristide Maillol
documentation Hana Wichterlová
Rudolf II artists
documentation Josef Wagner
portraits of writers
Romanesque style
still lifes
archeological finds
self- portraits
portraits of actors
portraits of architects
portraits of monarchs
portraits of actresses
portraits of composers
art nouveau
documentation Josef Václav Schwarz
2nd century
documentation Emanuel Famíra
Krásná jizba
portraits of conductors
ritual objects
Schwarzenberg Family
stained glasses
beuron style
Combats and Fights
documentation Cyril Zatloukal
artist in the studio
artist with a model
correspondence of artists
documents Zlatníková Marie
art education
Družstevní práce
school exhibitions
town hall
choir benches
documentation Adolf Kosárek
documentation Jiří Jaška
Jagiellonian dynasty
Poor Clares
portraits of poems
portraits of writers
treasury of St. Vitus cathedral
11th century
city walls
documentation Jan Lauda
House of Czernin
portraits of art historians
portraits of opera singers
Prague Castle
St. John the Baptist
desk memorials
documentation Auguste Rodin
documentation Josef Václav Myslbek
documentation Vojtěch Preissig
Eastern Orthodox Church
Nostic Family
Pernštejn Family
portraits of doctors
portraits of military leaders
portraits of scientists
Sternberg Family
documentation Emile Antoine Bourdell
documentation Emil Filla
documentation Jan Štursa
documentation Josef Šíma
documentation Jose Václav Myslbek
house sign
late Renaissance
National Gallery
portraits of benefactors
portraits of singers
portraits of veterans
public buildings
public collections in Moravia
St. Adalbert
20. stol.
Aleš South Bohemian Gallery
documentation František Bílek
documentation Josef Mařatka
documentation Karel Deml
documentation Karel Dvořák
documentation Karel Purkyně
documentation Mikoláš Aleš
documentation Václav Špála
documentation Vincenc Makovský
Middle Ages
portraits of churchmen
portraits of opera singers
portraits of playwrights
portraits of sovereigns
Schönborn Family
south Germany
exhibition of czech art around 1940
queen anne's summer palace
portrait of a woman
male portrait
portrait of a man
female portrait
tomb of bretislav ii.
a competition design of the monument to tomas garrigue masaryk for prague
a negro mask of the dan / ngere from the collection of bedrich stefan
bust of zdenek nejedly
competition design of monument to j. v. stalin
eliska premyslovna bust
tomas garrigue masaryk
the polish army memorial
monument to jaroslav vrchlicky
tomb of jan ocko of vlasim
tomb of premysl otakar ii.
female nude
royal tomb
the raising of lazarus (lazar of bethany) tomb of knights of albert
enthroned madonna
exhibition of the czech art of the 20th century
now or never!
sculptural group of st wenceslas with angels from the charles bridge, detail of the angel figure
the late josef maratka's exhibition
war memorial, detail
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945,
sculptural group endurance
tomb of king premysl otakar i.
tomb of spytihnev ii.
unknown statue (version of spring, 1942 ?)
bohumil kafka's studio
competition design of the monument to st. adalbert
portrait of judr. f. cerovsky
st. vitus and st. john the baptist
the national artist vaclav talich
allegory of vltava (tereza)
bust of joanna of bavaria
bust of the painter frantisek volf
head of a woman
krocin fountain, detail of extension of main tank with four elements
marticka kerhartova
study of a bent woman (torso)
the inner voice (meditation), a detail
alegory of the republic
antonin dvorak, for pantheon of nationa muzeum in prague
arne novak
cenotaph of st. john nepomuk
charles iv, detail
dancing woman with a child
dead bird
equestrian statue of jan zizka
hercules pomarius
jirina popelova
john of bohemia bust
mercy, detail
monument to bedrich smetana for karlovy vary
monument to bedrich smetana for karlovy vary, sketch
mrs. stepanka radova
on duty!
portrait of a child
tomb of john of nepomuk, detail of the east part
(female figure)
a sketch for the figure wreathing a flag, a study for the monument prague to her victorious sons
athlet, study for a monument now or never!
aurora (head of a sailor), detail
black head
bohumil kafka in the studio
bust of a girl
bust of a man
bust of a woman
fointain with putti (with boys with a fish an a shell)
hana kvapilova
installation for the prague baroque exhibition 1600-1800. art in czech xvii-xviii century 1600-1800, installation of m. b. braun
monument to jan zizka from trocnov
mother with a child
old town bridge tower, coat-of-arms of the luxembourgish lands, detail
self-portrait, detail
statue of saint wenceslas
the metal depository at maniny
tomb of premysl otakar ii., detail
(detail of a figure of a saint)
alegorical group of 2nd work of a competition for the monument to t. g. masaryk
antependium with rudolph saxon kneeling in front of st. adalbert
a pieta from charles bridge in front of the hospital church of the merciful sisters of saint karel boromejsky in prague, detail of an angel
aquamanile from hradec kralove, detail
building industry
celebration of manes union of fine arts 50th anniversary. exhibition of french painting from manet to the present day (rodin, walking man)
chapel of st. sigismund of burgundy, altar of st. sigismund of burgundy
console with a human mask
cyril zatloukal's exhibition in manes
death mask of a woman
death of st. ludmila
girl in ears
group sculpture of st. francis xavier from the charles bridge, detail of the servant
group sculpture of st. lutgardis from charles bridge
lying female nude
lying woman
model of 2nd work of a competition for the monument to t. g. masaryk
monument to b. smetana for karlovy vary, sketch
monument to the fallen at the western wall of st. wenceslas chapel
mother in anxiety
mother with child
piety, relief on tomb of the ullmanns family
portrait of j. v. stalin
proposed desing of a monument to antonin svehla
rearing horse, detail
tomas garrigue masaryk (traveling award of masaryk's bratislava sokol division)
(portrait of a man)
(still life with a bouquet and putti in a oval frame)
antependium with rudolph saxon kneeling in front of st. adalbert, detail
bedrich smetana, for the monument in podebrady, larger-than-life size (for karlovy vary)
charles iv
conductor b. smetana
crowned madonna
earth, detail
emil hacha
enthroned madonna from mlada boleslav, a detail
exhibition of a modern czech art
exhibition of the czech art of 19th century
exhibition of the czech art of the 19th century
from a competition for the monument to the resistance (?)
hana wichterlova's garden: flowerpot
head of a man
head of the writer ivan osvald
icemen by the moldau
josed wagner's exhibition: lifetime work of j. wagner, svu manes, prague 1958
lamentation of christ
ludvik kuba
model of a monument with hussite motifs
monument to jan zizka from trocnov, model
monument to josef manes
portrait of a boy
portrait of arch. j. sokol
portrait of rudolf bechyne
portrait of v. i. lenin
sculptural group of st. cyril and methodius
st. barbara, detail
st. george killing the dragon, main altar of the st. george basilica at prague castle (removed)
st. wenceslaus
study for a portait of mrs. tereza koseova iii.
st wenceslas, detail
the bust of benes krabice of weitmile
the bust of st. adalbert of prague
the most sacred heart of our lord
the portal of the church of st. procopius in zabori, a detail
the tomb of count leopold slik, detail
the tympanum from the former church of st. lazarus in prague, a detail of the head of jesus
tomb of john of nepomuk, detail of angel
tomb of oldrich from martinice
wenceslas iv of bohemia bust
(portrait of a woman)
after a bath
allegory of nigt
allegory of virtues and vices: religion
allegory of virtues and vices: religion, detail
a lying torso (sad song)
an altar with a relief of the crucifiction
antonin dvorak, small study
antonin slavicek with a beret
a pieta from charles bridge in front of the hospital church of the merciful sisters of saint karel boromejsky in prague, detail of the middle part
board with a shield, mary with the baby in a lily emblem, from church of st. gallen
bust of dr. jan loris
bust of mikulas holubec
camaraderie (model) / the ninth of may
competition design of the monument to st. adalbert, detail of the head
competition design of tombstone of st. wenceslas
composition orange
console, head of man
console with the face of the moon
crucifixion, mater dolorosa
death mask of adolf kosarek
death mask of a man
earth, for the interior of the zemska bank in prague
emanuel famira's exhibition
exhibition, ales's hall in umelecka beseda
figure, caricature
flirting girl
group sculpture of st. cajetan from the charles bridge, detail
group sculpture of st. francis xavier from the charles bridge, detail
group sculpture of st. ivo from charles bridge, detail
group sculpture of st. lutgardis from charles bridge, detail
hanus jelinek
head of the republic, detail of monument prague to her victorious sons
imperial chapel damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945,
inka perinova
josef lada
judr. bedrich schwarzenberg, commemorative plaque
karel havlicek borovsky
lost son
lying woman (night)
madonna enthroned, detail
mask from the east fron of old town bridge tower
mater dolorosa
max svabinsky
modesty and nobility
monument to bedrich smetana for karlovy vary, study
monument to jan zizka from trocnov, detail
monument to jan zizka from trocnov, model in the studio
monument to v. b. trebizsky with a crucifix from j. v. myslbek and a portrait relief from j. maratka
na slovanech monastery (emmaus), wing of the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
night, sketch
oldrich blazicek
petr bezruc
portrait of a girl
portrait of artist's mother
portrait of bozena nemcova
portrait of father
portrait of hana jechova
portrait of minister kapras
portrait of mr. w.
portrait of mrs. t.
portrait of the painter v. r.
prof. a. malek
prof. bedrich klapetek
sculptures of lumir and pisen; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
seated figure
sitting female nude
sitting woman
study for portrait of mrs. mila slavickova
study for the monument to karel havlicek
study of a horse head of a monument to st. wenceslaus
study of a nude for remembrance
study of girl head
terpsichora, model
the earth
the inner voice (meditation)
the lion head
the recumbent
the tympanum from the former church of st. lazarus in prague, a detail of jesus
tomb of borivoj ii
tomb of john of nepomuk
vitezslav novak
walking dancer
with a shield or on a shield
zdenka maratkova
(detail of a figure)
(figurative relief)
(figure of a saint)
(sitting woman)
(two figures in each other's arms)
(woman with a bowl)
1000 czechoslovakian miles
a competition design of a monument to b. smetana
after return, study for a portrait of tomas garrigue masaryk
a garden vase from prague
allegory of virtues and vices: despair
altair of st. john the baptist, cyril and methodus
an allegorical group and relief in the attica of the cultural house in pribram
andela vanickova
anna von schweidnitz bust
anne of bavaria bust
annunciation (?)
arrival of the magi to betlehem, detail
baroque bust of a man
blanche of valois bust
bowed female nude
bozena nemcova
bust of alenka helclova
bust of j. krosnar
bust of prof. jiri janda
calvary, gravestone of judr. karel svoboda
cambodian dancer
cardinal bedrich schwarzenberg
ceiling decoration, hall c
ceiling decoration, hall e
christ the sufferer, detail
christ the sufferer in the clouds, detail
console with a human mask from st. vitus cathedral
console with a human mask relief from the church of st. james the great in stodulky
console with moses and evangelists from northern portal of church of our lady before tyn
dancing couple
dream, model
ecce homo, detail
elizabeth of pomerania bust
emanuel famira's studio
exhibition about prague castle
exhibition about prague castle, architectural romanesque article at the forefront
fat woman
female allegorical figure
female torso
girl nude
girl with a bouquet
god the father celebrated by the angels
god the father showing tortured christ detail of christ's head - holy trinity
gravestone, detail
group sculpture of st. ignatius of loyola from the charles bridge, detail of the blackamoor
head of a boy
hunkered down (thoughtful)
intelligence, detail
jan neruda
javelin thrower
josef jiri kolar
josef maratka's atelier
josef zubaty
journalist from melantrich
joza dvorak
julius fucik
krocin fountain, a detail of pomona
lev uhlir
loyalty, detail
lying girl
madonna of hronske, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
metal depository at maniny; prague - holesovice, maniny, holesovice port
metal sculpture of a bull
milos sadlo
mme jallot
monument to bedrich smetana for karlovy vary, detail of the head
monument to ing. platovsky, detail
monument to jan zizka from trocnov, model of a horse
monument to josef manes, detail
monument to karolina svetla
night, a competition design for the ministry of social care
piety, gothic statue from piety altar in bardejov
piety of holic, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
portrait of an actress jaroslava skorkovska
portrait of antonin dvorak
portrait of marie wagnerova-kulhankova (wife)
portrait of mrs. johana sudkova
portrait of mrs. k.
portrait of mrs. reneta tyrsova
portrait of p. klika
portrait of painter antonin slavicek
relay runners with the author
relief of a female head
remembrance, grave stone of the glancs family
saint, detail
sculptural group strength
sculptures of lumir and pisen, premysl and libuse; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
spanish dancer
spring, detail
st. anna and st, mary, detail
st. john the baptist from professor nechleba collection
st. philip neri (?), statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou
st. wenceslas as a wine maker, from the destroyed house number 38-39 in prague 6
standing female nude "after the bath"
standing woman drying her back
stations of the cross, jesus falling down under the cross
still life
study for a monument to santos dumont iii.
study for a portait of mrs. tereza koseova i.
study for earth
study for the resignation (?)
study of an parisian
symphony ii. variant
the arrival
the english queen, bust
the exhibition prague baroque 1600-1800. art in czech land xvii-xviii century 1600-1800
the good sheperd, for frontage church of the most sacred heart of our lord in prague, vinohrady
the oriental bust
the republic on watch
the tympanum from the church of our lady before tyn, the last judgement, a detail of the damned
the tympanum from the former church of st. lazarus in prague, a detail of the raising of lazarus
the tympanum from the former church of st. lazarus in prague, the raising of lazarus
tombs, tomb of jan humprecht cernin (the first from the left side)
tombstone of herman the abbot
tombstones of the earl family from zdar and the nostic family
viktorin kornel from vsehrdy, study
worker and peasant
wounded czechoslovakian
zezette (girl with bread)
(detail of crucified jesus)
(figure of a man with a ribbon and a laurel
(figure of a woman)
abondoned ariadna
african mask
a garden vase, from the series of 4 vases
a griffin
a griffin (a dragon)
a hind with fawn, sculpture from an exhibition installation of a ceramics middle school
a kebe-kebe dance tool from the collection of joe hloucha
allegory of day
altar of st. adalbert
a meeting in the sculptor's lodge of josef wagner in betlem near kuks
an elegy
angel gloria, detail
antonin dvorak, the last version
a part of the column with a leaf decoration
arnost hrabal
arnost rolny
a still life with a beautiful madonna
a venus, from the cycle of 6 garden sculptures around villa america, a detail
a wild man
bohuslav seplavy
bozena nemcova, study
bugler, a study for the monument prague to her victorious sons
bust of christ
bust of joanna of bavaria, a cast
bust of judr. theodor bartoska
bust of the builder kamil hilbert
by a comrade's grave
canopy of a niche for a pontification chair
carstvo lazure (o. gzowska)
ceiling decoration, hall g
ceiling decoration, hall k
ceiling decoration, hallway b
chapel of st. andrew, the east wall with altar and mural
chest of a girl with a book
childish portrait
choir bench, detail
christ's head, cast of the bolt from the church of st. gothard in slany (madylion)
christ the sufferer in the clouds
church of st. james, christ with two praying figures on the southern front
coal carrier by the seine
competition design of a fountain in melnik
console, young eagle
dance, study to a frieze of the monument to antonin dvorak for prague
dance of greek girls, o. gzowska
daniel antek
dead swan
death mask of vojtech preissig
diploma of czech academy of science and art
double portrait of frantisek taborsky and frantisek ondrusek
ecce homo
enthroned madonna from mlada boleslav
epitaf of jiriho ml. popela z lobkovic
epitaph of jan jiri and jaroslav borita from martinice
face with a mask, detail
female nude, sculpture of the exhibition of the ceramics-focused middle school
ferdinand maxmilian brokoff
flying birds
former jewish gate, a figural console of a vault
frantisek zikmund, a painter
girl's busts
girl (oracle) with a twig
girl from landes
girl with a child
grape harvest
gravestone (lamentation of christ)
gravestone of josef maratka with the statue intelligence
group sculpture of st. cajetan from the charles bridge, detail of the pedestal
group sculpture of st. francis xavier from the charles bridge, detail of the blackamoor
group sculpture of st barbara, margaret and elizabeth from the charles bridge, detail
group sculpture of the baptism of christ from the charles bridge, detail of christ
head of a bishop from the monument to j. a. komensky
head of a female deity
head of a girl
head of a woman / luda
head of the republic
head of the republic, a study for the monument prague to her victorious sons
hercules fights with the dragon
holy water vat with the holy trinity
hommage to earth
jan z jenstejna bust
jiri jaska's exhibition
john the baptist
john the baptist, detail of the head
josef kajetan tyl
josef maratka
josef wagner's studio (jatecni street, prague)
judgment of paris
krocin fountain, detail of central column
krocin fountain, detail of central part
ladislav capek
libuse and premysl, model of sculptural group for palacky's bridge
life of st. wenceslas, relief on the altar to st. wenceslas for st. ignatius church
life of st. wenceslas, relief on the altar to st. wenceslas for st. ignatius church, detail
looking up (looking up torso)
lumir, statue for the facade of the national theatre in prague
madonna, detail
madonna and child
madonna of lomnicka, detail
male nude with a drapery
male portrait (actor vladimir borsky), detail of the head
male portrait (k.h. macha?)
male torso
man with the broken nose
marie and marta
meditation (small)
melting (?)
memorial plaque for members of drama and theater between 1939-1945
metal sculpture of a horse
model of relief for a monument to premysl orac by stadice
model of relief for a monument to premysl orac by stadice, premysl greets emissaries of duchess libuse
model of the relief for the monument to tomas garrigue masaryk
monument to victims of the second world war and the may uprising in dvur kralove. life-size bronze model
mourning virgin mary
move study
move study (woman torso)
mrs. kovarnova
negro masks of the dan / ngere from the collection of bedrich stefan
olga gzowska, study of mazurka
ostrava (miner)
our lady of lourdes, detail
pas de deux
peace and war
pedastal with two lying lions from kourim, detail
peter parler bust
poezie, detail
portrait of a red army soldier
portrait of a young boy (boy makovec)
portrait of eliska wichterlova
portrait of fr. taborsky
portrait of ing. otto wichterle
portrait of miss h. o.
portrait of mrs. faladova
portrait of mrs. v.
portrait of padrone hora
portrait of the dancer t. p. ii.
portrait of vaclav vilem stech
president edvard benes
primavera (?)
prometheus (study)
resting dancer
roland the knight (today bruncvik, brunclik) with a lion at his feet, torso, detail
saint cajetan, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou
saint of pohurka
sanktuarium, detail veraikon (mandylion)
sasa machov (portrait of a dancer)
sculptor's lodge of josef wagner in betlem near kuks
sculptor marie zlatnikova with model vladimir borsky and his portrait
sculptural group life, detail
sculpture repository in the st. salvator church (sculpture of cardinal bedrich count of schwarzenberg and frantisek ladislav rieger, by j. v. myslbek)
seated woman
sitting child
sitting man, torso
sketch of a monument (?)
st. adalbert
st. nicholas
st. wenceslav and st. ludmila
staircase, niche with figure of putto carrying a shell and candle (?) above his head
standing female nude
standing torso of a female nude
statue of wenceslas iv, detail, from the east front of old town bridge tower
study of a boy nude
study of a left hand
study of a monument to fallen in usti uppon the orlice
study of a right male foot
st vitus cathedral, gargoyles on the southern side of three-aisle hall
st vitus cathedral, inventory, sculpture and carvings stored before bombing
suffering, detail
support head with palmette
the bust of ernest of pardubice
the bust of general andrea graziani
the bust of john of jenstejn
the bust of leonard busek
the bust of ondrej kotlik, 4th builder of the cathedral
the bust of wenceslas iv.
the czech lion, the table from the prague gate (former old gate)
the last judgement of rozmberk, 14 holy helpers, detail of st. christopher and st. george
the mourning of christ from zvikov, detail
the national artist zdenek otava as chrudos
the painter vaclav rabas portrait of vaclav rabas
the portrait of a woman
the prague turk, a detail of the group sculpture of st. john of matha, st. felix of valois and st. ivan by m. f. brokoff on charles bridge
theseus fighting the cretan bull
the supporting head with a relief of vegetal and figural adornment
the tombstone of magdalen of gleichenau ( 1492), wife of henry iv. from hradec, detail with coat-of-arms
the tympanum from the church of st. jacob in jakub near kutna hora
tomb of antonin dvorak
tomb of borivoj ii, detail
tomb of king premysl otakar i., detail of the head
tomb of premysl otakar i., detail of the lion
tombstone of an abbess
tombstone of bernardin menesius of toledo
tombstone of j. f. borek dohalsky of dohalice
tombstone of schonberger the canon
tombstone of the director jan maxa
tombstone of the director maxa
torso (chained action)
torso of a girl
torso of an old man
two putti from kinsky garden in prague
two women, detail
vaclav z radce bust
venus with a necklace
virgin mary from the small calvary from bardejov, detail
votive triptych form the former tympanon of the portal in the st. george basilica
war memorial
zdenek maratka
zdenka zikova
(a couple)
(a mother with a child)
(bust of a man)
(detail of a leg)
(detail of figure of a saint)
(egyptian statuette)
(female torso)
(figure of an athlete)
(head of a violinist)
(lying female nude)
(madonna with baby jesus)
(portrait of a girl)
acrobate on a ball
adam and eve
adam and eve. detail
adolf heyduk, proposed desing of memorial plaque
adoration of the shepherds, detail
a dwarf, the garden figure from villa america in prague
a faun, the garden sculpture from villa america in prague
a female head from trebon
a female stone head
a fragment of a column with a plait ornament; exposition in the national museum lapidarium
a fragment of a male head and a fantastic animal
a gable with st. wenceslas' eagle, from the st. vitus cathedral in prague
a gothic capital with rich figural decoration
agriculture, proposal for a allegorical relief for state bank
a griffin (a lion)
a group of children
a lion eating a goat
allegory from the braun's house
allegory of fire from attica of kinsky palace in prague
allegory of fire from attica of kinsky palace in prague, detail of the head
allegory of liberty (the republic)
allegory of virtues and vices: chastity, detail
allegory of vltava (tereza), detail
altar of krig (vojnianu), detail of the right wing
altar with reliefs of the crucifiction, the adoration, the burial and the figures of the four evangelists
altar with reliquiary of st. wenceslas
a man with a topper
a mother with a child
an allegorical group and relief in the attica of the cultural house in pribram, allegory of theater
antependium of st. anne chapel
antependium of st. anne chapel, detail of st. anne
antonin dvorak (listening)
antonin dvorak, third-size model for prague
a pioneer (jitka)
aquamanile from hradec kralove
archangel michael, plinth for the main altar of the church of our lady of the snows in prague
archer heracles
a relief for the hall of the life insurance house at prague's na porici, detail, (arch. fr. marek), marek's hall
a relief for the hall of the life insurance house at prague's na porici, marek's hall
arrival of the magi to betlehem
art, detail
a seated figure
a sheep with her young, circular relief, a house sign of the 2. tower-building in kladno rozdelov, a model
a working-class family (?)
baldachin, from the old town hall in prague
balzac, a detail
bells and svatopluk cech monument in the metal depository at maniny
blanche of valois bust, cast
blanik, complex of rock statues
blossoms by a river
bust of a man (bagpiper jan kobes?)
bust of archbishop frantisek kordac
bust of architect josef mocker
bust of arnost z pardubic
bust of bedrich smetana
bust of bishop antonin podlaha
bust of builder josef ondrej kranner
bust of earl bedrich thun-hohenstein
bust of frantisek thun-hohenstein
bust of jan carek
bust of josef jan fric
bust of josef zlatnik
bust of michal vaclav pesina from cechorod
bust of st. vitus
calendar with personal notes from april 1937
calvary, model of gravestone of svobodas family in brevnov
cardboard for stained glass
cardinal bedrich schwarzenberg, detail
caricature - baron joseph de podenas
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, sea monster (c 31), dolphins (c 32)
ceiling decoration, hall i
charles iv., sketch
chateau troja, garden staircase, detail
child portrait
choir bench
christ and a samaritan near jacob's well
christ and a samaritan near jacob's well, detail
christ by a stake
christ from novosedla, detail
christ of the holy sepulchre from ceske budejovice, detail
church of st. james, saint adalbert of prague on the southern front
church of st. james, saint procopius of sazava on the southern front
closet altar with st. roch and st. mary magdalene, opened
collection of josef sima's works at the exhibition poesie 1932 in manes (statues: makovsky, stefan)
colonel, josef jiri svec, model of a monument
commemorative plaque: a hundred years of wagner's family sculpture workshop, 1848-1948
commemorative plaque of sculptor antonin wagner on his birth house
competition proposal for decorating the electrical plant in prague
console, adam and eve and the tree of the knowledge
console, man with the huge hair
console with a relief plant decoration from the old new synagogue in prague
crucified christ
crucified christ from the house u hrebene on the old town
crucified jesus, detail
crucifix, corpus
crucifix and candelstick
crucifixion, john the evangelist
curled up woman
czech rivers (clay model)
dance, sculpture on the balustrade from the national theater's quay-side
dancing motive
decoration of ceiling, hall a, aeneas hall and roman virtues, herma (a 07)
decorative frieze, detail
decorative relief
deer with cubs
detail of a floral decoration, relief from a piedestal of sculptural group madona with st. dominic and thomas aquinas
detail of bust from commemorative plaque of antonin wagner
early spring
eliska premyslovna bust, cast
elizabeth of pomerania bust, cast
equestrian statue of st. george killing a dragon
exhibition, ales's hall in umelecka beseda, lost son
exhibition of czech art of the 20th century
exhibition of the czech art of 20th century (50 years of manes)
exterior of josef maratka's atelier in stresovice
female head in headscarf
female nude, (monument ?)
fight between a cat and a dog
figural group on subject: music, proposed design for fontain infront of rudolfinum
final version of a proposed of a monument to dr. fr. lad. rieger iii., finished 1913-1914
flowers by a stream
fountain with a group sculpture of the assumption of mary, detail of an angel on the top
fountain with a group sculpture of the assumption of mary, detail of two angels
frantisek zikmund
fruit growing
gambrinus, patron saint of brewers
gargoyle from samson's fountain in ceske budejovice
girl's dream
girl torso
girl with a lizzard
god the father showing tortured christ - holy trinity
grave of mokosins family
grave plastique of minister dr. kaizl
gravestone (three women)
gravestone of anna lipenska the abbess
gravestone of antonin slavicek with the bust from josef maratka
gravestone of pospisils family
gravestone of prague bishop erazim divis krieger, detail
gravestone of st. adalbert, head of bishop, study for a competion for a gravestone
gravestone of the jiraseks family
gravestone of vaclav pekarek
gravestone of volaneks family
group sculpture of st. francis xavier from the charles bridge
group sculpture of st. ignatius of loyola from the charles bridge, detail of the africa
group sculpture of st. ivo from charles bridge
group sculpture of st. john of matha, st. felix of valois and st. ivan from the charles bridge, detail medallion
group sculpture of st. john of matha, st. felix of valois and st. ivan from the charles bridge, detail of prague turk
group sculpture of st. lutgardis from charles bridge, fragment of christ's left hand
half-figure of a woman
halffigure of a boy
hand of a woman wreathing a flag, detail
head of a kneeling man from relief of the tower of judith bridge
head of horse from a monument to the general alveara
head of italian boy
head of john the baptist
head of john the baptist from tajov
head of philosofer
head of prometheus
head of the dog jim
head of young woman
house portal with perstejn coat of arms from pardubice
house sign, heron with its youngs under the archway of the tower blocks
house sign of the salek's house with a anchor and a oil painting, in prague
human cactus (mrs. cactus) no. 2
immaculata, detail
infant "pepicek"
in memory of those of us who dies in the service of their country, 1914-1918
j. a. komensky memorial coin
j. e. purkyne
jan frantisek hruska
jan kubelik
jan lauda's exhibition
jan neruda, sketch for a monument
jan soupal
jan zizka, medal, obverse
jiri jaska's studio
john the baptist, a detail
john the baptist, detail of the right hand
john the evangelist from the small calvary from bardejov
josef hlavka, statue for monument on hlavka's bridge
josef maratka with the statue mining
karel dimmer
keystone with symbol of johann from drazice from st. anne chapel (nostic's chapel) in st. vitus cathedral
krocin fountain
krocin fountain, detail of aquarius on kerb
krocin fountain, detail of neptun and dolphin
lapidarium of the national museum, hall no. 7: baroque art
leda with a swan
leos janacek
leos janacek, study
lest we forget
letter from a. bourdell to j. maratka
letter from j. v. myslbek to j. maratka
love, proposed design for decoration of the house of knights of the cross with the red star in wien
lying torso
madonna from st. jacob church in brno
madonna of lomnicka
main altar, st. barbara, detail
male head
male portrait (actor vladimir borsky)
man leading a resisting horse (horse-driver)
maratka's atelier on the yard of block of houses na vysinach no. 12 in letna
masaryk statue in front of anglobanka
meeting of radslav zlicky with st wenceslas
melancholic girl
memorial plaque: honor to those who died
metal depository at maniny, deconstructed sculpture od frantisek palacky
metal depository at maniny, sculptures and bells; prague - holesovice, maniny, holesovice port
metal depository at maniny; prague - holesovice, maniny, holesovice port; deconstructed sculpture od frantisek palacky
metal sculpture of a roe deer
metal sculptures of a dog and a pig
mgph. vaclav kasalicky
mme pomaret
model of monument to j. v. stalin
monstrance from bojnice, detail of st. barbara
monstrance from bojnice, detail of st. cathrine
monstrance from bojnice, detail of st. john the evangelist
monument prague to her victorious sons, detail of legionary
monument prague to her victorious sons, head of legionary
monument prague to it's winning sons, detail of legionary
monument to bedrich smetana for karlovy vary, part
monument to frantisek palacky, detail
monument to jenda hofman, the volunteer and the pilot, who fell for liberty of his homeland in france
monument to santos dumont
monument to v. b. trebizsky with a crucifix from j. v. myslbek and a portrait relief from j. maratka, detail
mourning virgin mary, detail
mr. paducha
music instruments
nativity scene, detail
nativity scene, seven-piece composition
oldrich blazicek, detail
old town bridge tower, detail of the console pelican (?)
old woman
ornamental panel
ornamental stucco decoration of a vault
pair of two sitting women
palas athena
parisian bricklayer
part of the pulpit from former church of st. lazarus, sick with plague praying to st. lazarus
peace, metallic banner for glories in lidice
pieta from liderovice
piety, detail
piety, exhibition slovakian old art (?), detail
pignatelli, rodins model for john the baptist
pillar form the st. george basilice in the prague castle
pomona, detail
portal with inscription praesidium, decorated with busts of charles iv, two sitting female figures and a sign of the capital city of prague at the old town hall
portrait bust of mrs. jarmila novotna
portrait bust of prof. jiri janda
portrait of actor v. vydra
portrait of a girl: milena jechova
portrait of a man (antonin svehla?)
portrait of a poetess
portrait of artists mother
portrait of dr. jarmila blazkova
portrait of dr. zdenek macek
portrait of jirinka wichterlova
portrait of mr. p.
portrait of mrs. kvicalova
portrait of mrs. simova
portrait of prof. mudr. edward babak
portrait of professor otakar zich
portrait of santos dumont
portrait of stanislav sucharda
portrait of the mother
prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945 : mistr jan hus monument; old town hall under the scafonding during the reconstruction and demolitionof south wing
president tomas garrigue masaryk, detail
proposal for the 'nation to itself' monument
proposed design for a monument to b. smetana
proposed design for a monument to mistr j. hus
proposed design for a pool sculpture
proposed design of a monument
putto, child figure
queen anne's summer palace, grotesque head of bearded man
reading girl
rearing horse
reconstruction of romanesque window, detail
reconstruction of romanesque window, detail of the support head
red army soldier
relay runners
relief with a girl and an eagel
reliquiary of st. vitus
roland the knight (today bruncvik, brunclik) with a lion at his feet, torso
saint (mary from cycle the annunciation)
saint christopher
saint christopher, detail
saint cyril
saint ludmila
saint of dolni vltavice
saint of homole, detail
saint procopius of sazava
saint wenceslas
salvator mundi with st. cosmas and damian, detail
sculptor marie zlatnikova with a model and his portrait in the studio
sculpture of lumir and the song; ; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
sculpture of premysl and libuse; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
sculpture repository in the convent of st agnes of bohemia
seina (woman with a drapery)
self-sacrificing, model sculptural group for front of national museum in prague
sheperd from so called beuroun nativity scene, probably damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
side altar of our lady of bendictine
sitting nude, study
sitting woman with book
sketch of monument on duty!
slovakian national uprising, partisan, still life (coat, hat, machine gun)
soldier from folk nativity scene
spanish dancer (stretching women)
spanish dancer carmen
spartan mask
spring, study
st. adalbert, detail
st. anne chapel
st. anne with mary, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou
st. francis of assisi
st. george, relief for st. georgo basilica in prague
st. george killing the dragon
st. ivan and st. norbert
st. jerome
st. johnn the baptist having a rest
st. john the evangelist of trebon
st. ludmila
st. luke the evangelist
st. maria magdalene from maly bor near horazdovice
st. mark, from group of sculptures, from the front of st. gall church in prague
st. nicholas, detail
st. onufrius the hermit
st. theresa from the facade of the church of st. gall in prague
st. vitus breasts
st. wenceslas, a cast, a detail
st. wenceslas breasts
st. wenceslas from the fountain in the former st. wenceslas prison in prague
standing faun
standing male nude (torzo)
stations of the cross
statue of charles iv, from old town bridge tower
statue of charles iv, from old town bridge tower, detail
statue of wenceslas iv, from the east front of old town bridge tower
still life, detail of a decoration of a frontage for house of culture in pribram
stone plates with reliefs, engraving and decoration, from the former benedictine abbey of st. john the baptist
stone plate with a male head
stove extender
stove extender in a form of a head of a turk, folk statue
study for a monument to santos dumont ii.
study for a portait of mrs. tereza koseova ii.
study for a portrait of painter j. f. limet and a. rodin
study for the portait of j. v. myslbek
study of a bent woman
study of a hand of a monument to st. wenceslaus
study of a toreador
study of a woman head for sculptural group strenght (female head)
study of monument to josef manes
study of the head of cardinal bedrich schwarzenberg
study of the head of st. ludmila of a monument to st. wenceslaus
study of the head of st. wenceslaus of a monument to st. wenceslaus iv., version of head
study of the head of st. wenceslaus of a monument to st. wenceslaus v., version of head
study of the head of st. wenceslaus of a monument to st. wenceslaus viii., version of head
st vitus cathedral, portico of golden gate, detail of the vault
st wenceslas
st wenceslas chapel, eastern wall with the statue of st wenceslas
support head from the monastery of the beatified agnes in prague
support head with floral and figurative motifs
terpsichora, (half-size model)
the bojnice ciborium, detail of st. martin of tours sharing his cloak with a beggar
the bridge tower in the lesser quarter, judith bridge, homage of a burgher to his lord, detail on a kneeling man, casting
the bust of andrew kotlik, 4th building manager
the bust of inventor frantisek krizik
the bust of mikulas holubec
the bust of st. john the baptist
the bust of virgin mary
the city heraldry on the marian pillar
the curled one, a female act
the embossment from the prague gate (former old gate)
the english queen, bust, model
the genius of liberty's annunciation
the gravestones of the earl family from zdar and the nostic family
the head of balzac
the life
the lining of a gateway, from the former church of st. lazar in prague, fragment
the lions from kourim
the marian pillar
the oriental head
the portal of the church of st. procopius in zabori near kolin, a detail of vegetal and animal decoration
the pulpit from former church of st. lazarus, life of st. lazarus
the romanesque marble relief from the chateau in brandys nad labem
theseus carrying the cretan bull
the tomb of count leopold slik
the tombstone of ludmila of thurn, nee berkova ( 1558) and her sons choir chapel of st. john of nepomuk (st. odile, st. erhard, the visitation of mary, called vlasimska)
the tympanon from the dance club at stvanice, a detail
the tympanum from the church of our lady of the snow
the tympanum from the church of our lady of the snow, a detail of mary's coronation
the tympanum from the former church of st. lazarus in prague
the western front of the st. vitus cathedral, a detail of the lower northern barrel vault under the rose window with the reliefs of the architects' busts.
three graces
three graces, for decoration of a spring in frantiskovy lazne, model
tomb of knights of albert
tomb of oldrich from martinice, detail of the head
tombstone of a adam hlavac the knight of vojenice and chvalovice
tombstone of john dlask of vchynice
tombstone of m. v. kroness from lesser town cemetery in kosire
tombstone of the engineer platovsky
tombstone with a coat-of-arms and a inscription
torso of woman
two african masks
venus with amor
venus with amor, detail
vesta, from the cycle of garden statues from summerhouse amerika in prague
view from the national museum's ramp to wenceslas square (sculptures of silesia, vltava, cechie) towards the house no. 812/59; damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
vojtech of pernstejn
where my home is
winter vii, (war years)
woman taking her clothes off
woman with child (mother)
woman with fruit (sitting woman)
yard of josef maratka's birth house in zitna street no. 14
zdenka prochazkova
(detail of a column with a relief)
(detail of a gothic ceiling with a relief)
(detail of a male figure)
(detail of a relief, portrait of a man)
(detail of figure)
(female bust)
(female figure with a bowl in her hands)
(female nude)
(female portrait)
(figure of a ecclesiastical representative) at the exhibition: prague baroque 1600-1800. art in czech land xvii-xviii century 1600-1800
(figure of a king)
(figure of a sitting man)
(figure of a standing man)
(girl in a folk costume)
(group photo from an exhibition)
(head of a boy)
(head of a girl)
(head of a woman)
(in the arms)
(joseph with baby jesus?)
(lying lion with arrows in his body)
(lying torso)
(male figure)
(male portrait)
(man's head)
(monument, lion)
(portrait of a worker)
(proposal of a monument)
(relief of an emblem)
(relief on a column of a church)
(sculptural exhibition, busts)
(sitting figure)
(sitting half-naked woman)
(standing figure with a clapsed hands)
(standing woman with a plate in her hands)
(three sitting women)
(two heads)
a. rodin
a. rodin's exhibition in pavilion of svu under the kinsky garden
abondoned ariadna, detail
a classical head, plaque
a decorative capital from st. george basilica at prague castle
adoration of the magi
african buffalo
after a bath, detail
after battle of lipany
a gable with the sign of the czech lion
a granny with children
agriculturist's family
a group of figures in oriental costumes
a horse attacked by a tiger (heracles cathing diomedes' horse (?))
a kneeling woman
alegory of virtues and vices: gluttony
alena capkova
allegorical figure
allegory of a musical (opera), side entrance of the national theatre in prague
allegory of autumn, from the season cycle
allegory of liberty (the republic), detail
allegory of the industry
allegory of the victory
allegory of virtues and vices: love (maternity)
allegory of virtues and vices: the angel of blissful death
a look into the studio of prof. jan lauda, a school project
altar of john the baptist, cyril and methodius
altar of st. john the baptist, cyril and methodius
an allegorical group and relief in the attica of the cultural house in pribram, allegory of music
an allegorical group and relief in the attica of the cultural house in pribram, allegory of poetry
angel gloria
annunciation (?), proposal design
antependium with rudolph saxon kneeling infront of st. adalbert, detail
antependium with rudolph saxon kneeling in front st. adalbert, detail
antique head
anxiety (oppression)
anxiety (oppression) (?), model
a one-third model of a relief for the cultural house in pribram
apostle from church of st. james in brno
archangel gabriel (detail), statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou
archangel rafael, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou
a renaissance doorway with ornamental decoration, a hall with baroque sculptures in the background
a sculpture
a still life with books and bust of bozena nemcova
a study for the monument of bedrich smetana
a support head from the former st. ludmila's chapel of the tyn church
a terracotta mask of gorgon from the temple of artemis orthia
a tin hand
atlas carrying the earth from the gate of vrtbovsky palace in prague
a tomb
at the sink
a tympanon from the st. lazarus church in prague, detail of christ
aurora (head of a sailor)
a yard of the house in zitna no. 14, the birthplace of sculptor josef maratka, a photography on newspaper cut
balcony base of the astronomical clock at old town square
baroque coat of arms: faith wins
baroque folk statue
baroque statue
basilica of st. james, stucco decoration of the face, celebration of st. anthony of padua
bedrich smetana, third-size model for prague
bedrich smetana for the monument in podebrady
beginning of the czech theatre
bells and svatopluk cech monument in the metal depository at maniny; prague - holesovice, maniny, holesovice port
bernardo molinari, proposal for a monument
big hand (right male hand)
birth of god's warriors (a study)
bishop adalbert from the facade of the church of st. jacob in jakub near kutna hora
blackamoor, morzin palace
black christ
bohumil kafka with a bust of jan vrchlicky from 1914
bohuslav foerster
boreas and oreithyia
bust - jean-pons-guillaume viennet
bust of a child
bust of a man (jaroslav vrchlicky?)
bust of a man - miner
bust of architect kamil hilbert
bust of a worker
bust of canon ondrej kotlik, the 4th head of construction
bust of cardinal and archbishop bedrich josef schwarzenberg
bust of cardinal and archbishop of prague frantisek schonborn
bust of jan javurek
bust of jan ocko of vlasim
bust of jiri kolar (detail)
bust of julius zeyer
bust of mary (?)
bust of prof. jan pekar
bust of the sculptor antonin lhotak
bust of vojtech schonborn
by a dead friend's grave
calvary, sculptoral group, detail of mary
calvary, sculptoral group, john the evangelist
calvary, sculptoral group, john the evangelist, detail of hands
calvary sculptural group, detail of virgin mary
cardinal bedrich prince schwarzenberg, detail
caricature - francois dominique reynaud, duke of montlosier
caricature - head for a puppet show
caricatures (g.b. shaw)
ceiling decoration, hall a
ceiling decoration, hall a, hall of aeneas and the roman virtues, antioch and stratonik
ceiling decoration, hall b, atlanta hall
ceiling decoration, hall b, atlanta hall, a central tableau of huntress atalanta with the head of the calydonian boar, detail
ceiling decoration, hall b, atlanta hall, dioskuri horse feeding (b 19), leda with the swan in lower field (b 26)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, allegory (c 02)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, boat with a swan's neck (c 30)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, dolphins (c 25)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, dolphins (c 35)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, faun (c 17)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, faun (f 15)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, games of putti (c 04, c 05)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, middle of the vault
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, putti carrying festoons (c 16)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, sea monster (c 26), ducks? (c 27)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, sea monster (c 36), dolphins (c 35)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, sea monster (c 36), ducks (c 37)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, view to west with three workers
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, woman with a dog (c 03)
ceiling decoration, hall c, jupiter hall, zeus (c 01)
ceiling decoration, hall f, kleopatra hallway, an allegory (f 14)
ceiling decoration, hall f, kleopatra hallway, an allegory (h 08)
ceiling decoration, hall f, kleopatra hallway, a woman with wild animal or a dog (f 03)
ceiling decoration, hall g, cheiron hall, cheiron (g 01)
ceiling decoration, hall k, (k 18)
ceiling decoration, hall k, diana-luna hall, allegory, satyrs (k 09, k10, k 11)
ceiling decoration, hall k, diana-luna hall, putti pasture a ram (k 21)
ceiling decoration, hall k, diana-luna hall, satyr and nymph (k 06), couple in a hug (k 08)
ceiling decoration, hallway f, figures carrying festoons (f 05)
ceiling decoration, hallway f, putti carrying festoons (f 04)
ceiling decoration, hallway f, warrior (f 07)
ceiling decoration, hallway f, women figure with snake (f 01)
celebration of manes union of fine arts 50th anniversary. exhibition of french painting from manet to the present day
celebration of manes union of fine arts 50th anniversary. exhibition of french painting from manet to the present day, detail of manet: portrait of emil zola, rodin: walking torso
ceramic figure, giraffe
chapel of saint trinity
charles iv, study of the head
charles iv., study - final version, detail
charles vi, from atic of sixt's house in prague, celetna stret 553
chateau troja, garden staircase
childish games
chodba b, chodba atalanty, neptun tisici vlny
christ, folk woodcut
christening of st. ludmila
christ the sufferer
christ the sufferer from company of st. ursula in brno, before restoration
christ under the cross, folk statue
church of st. james, saint wenceslas on the southern front
clam-gallas palace, portal
closet altar with stone antependium and the reliquary of st. januarius, closed
closet altar with the stone antipendium and the reliquary of st. janurius, closed
console, crowned lion with two tails
console, mask
console with devil and judas
corbel with the face of the moon (for the statue of assunta)
covering plate of a bolt with a mask of christ from presbythery in the st. gothard church in slany
crucifixion, detail of mary
crucifixion, detail of st john the evangelist
crying woman
dancer, dancer ii.
dancer t. p. i.
dancer t. p. ii.
death mask, hands
death of mary of cernice
decoration of ceiling, hall a, aeneas hall and roman virtues, (a 01)
decoration of ceiling, hall a, aeneas hall and roman virtues, caritas romana
decoration of ceiling, hall a, aeneas hall and roman virtues, caritas romana (kimon and pero)
decoration of ceiling, hall a, aeneas hall and roman virtues, herma (a 09)
decoration of ceiling, hall a, aeneas hall and roman virtues, satyr (a 05)
decorative frieze
dence study, olga gzowska
detail from a stand
detail of a relief for a facades of faculty of law
detail of the crucifid's head
district court building and the water reservoir on the kinsky square
double exposure: na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop and ambit of monastery; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945,
double support heads, from the monastery of the beatified agnes in prague
dr. ladislav losik
dying centaur
eduard vojan
eduard vojan and alois jirasek
elizabeth of pomerania bust, detail
embrace of love and death, 1st cast
emil filla and karel dvorak in the sculptor's lodge of josef wagner in betlem near kuks
enthroned madonna on a lion, bolt on a nave's ribbed vault
equestrian statue
equestrian statue of st. george killing a dragon, detail
equestrian statue of st. wenceslas
equestrian statue of st. wenceslas, model
erratic boulder
exhibition 50 years manes anniversary: nowaday manes. iii. anniversary exhibition from october - november 1937
exhibition french modern sculpture
exhibition of czech art
exhibition of czech art around 1940, lost son
exhibition of the czech art after 1942
exhibition of the czech art in years 1940-1950
exhibition of the czech art of 19th century (exhibition "czech tradition in 19th centuryi")
exhibition of the portraits
exhibition poesie 1932 (adolf hoffmeister, hana wichterlova)
exhibition poesie 1932 (giorgio de chirico, frantisek janousek, vincenc makovsky, hana wichterlova, frantisek muzika)
exhibition poesie 1932 (jindrich styrsky)
exhibition poesie 1932 (max ernst, g. l. roux)
exhibition poesie 1932 (toyen)
family (?)
family, detail
female figure
female head
female head from trebon
female nude, (combing)
female nude, detail
female nude with a mirror
female nude with drapery
female nude with grapes
female portrait - pianist
female sitting nude
female torso / lulu lapalue
female torso / torzo meditace
field, a relief from the decoration of the former zemska bank in prague, detail
fifty years of manes - iii. exhibition - manes nowadays
fight of jacob and the angel (?)
figure of a saint
figure of a woman (allegory ?), torso
folk statue (madonna)
folk statue (piety)
folk statue, beehive from liptov in slovakia
folk wooden statue, animals
folk wooden statue, crucifix
folk wooden statue, horse
folk wooden statue, piety
folk wooden statue, rider on horse and suppliant
folk wooden statue, two figures
fountain with a group sculpture of the assumption of mary, detail of mary
fragment of a gargoyle from st. vitus cathedral
fragment of an architectonical statue, portrait of a man
fragment of a statue
fragment of a statue, a man with a lute
fragment of a statue, saint (?)
fragment of a tympanon, jesus
fragment of console with a animal mask
frantisek hudecek's exhibition
frantisek palacky
from a competition for the monument to the resistance
from hospital, sketch of monument
from the monument to bedrich smetana for karlovy vary
from the proscenium of the national theater
from tram
fruit growing (song of an apple tree)
funeral in carpathians, sketch
gargoyle from demolished thun-hohenstein palace on the jungman's square in prague
genius, for entrance to prague castle riding school
georges clemenceau
georges clemenceau (the bust)
girl playing the lyre
girl with fruit
gothic figural candlestick, detail
gothic statue, detail
granite pedestal for stursa's monument of svatopluk cech
granite pedestal for stursa's monument of svatopluk cech; prague - vinohrady, orchard of svatopluk cech
grave of napoleon b.
gravestone (angel)
gravestone of anna degenova - "holy girl" (1848-1851)
gravestone of bozena svertova
gravestone of fejteks family
gravestone of frantisek ladislav rieger
gravestone of jan nep. volanek
gravestone of jan vaclav tomasek, composer and pedagogue (1774-1850), detail
gravestone of karel filip
grave stone of karel hynek macha
gravestone of vaclav rezek
gravestone with a coat of arms, years 1753-1825)
gravestone with an angel
grave with the cross
greeting from artistes
grief - gravestone of vaclav benes trebizsky
grim reaper, called brigita (vanitas - futility)
grotesque figure
group sculpture of st. adalbert from the charles bridge, detail of the pedestal
group sculpture of st. ignatius of loyola from the charles bridge
group sculpture of st. ivo from charles bridge, detail of the justice
group sculpture of st. lutgardis from charles bridge (vision of st. lutgardis), fragment of christ's left hand
group sculpture of st. vincent ferrer and st. procopius from the charles bridge
group sculpture of st. vincent ferrer and st. procopius from the charles bridge, detail of st. vincent ferrer
group sculpture of st barbara, margaret and elizabeth from the charles bridge
group sculpture of st barbara, margaret and elizabeth from the charles bridge, detail of st. barbara
group sculpture of the baptism of christ from the charles bridge
gustav mahler
half-figure of mary magdalene
halffigure of a girl
halffigure of a girl with a cat
head of a calf
head of adolescent
head of a girl with a necklace
head of a model (the nodding)
head of mother
head v., (garden lamp)
heracles carrying the nemean lion
heracles fighting the lion
heracles fighting with the nemean lion (?)
hockey player
horse head
hostler from demolished thun-hohenstein palace on the jungman's square in prague
house portal with perstejn coat of arms from pardubice, detail
hunted and heretical
in a stall
industry (p 1400), alois jirasek
industry, proposal for a allegorical relief for state bank
in meditation (in a sofa)
in memory of those of us who dies in the service of their country, 1914-1918, detail
installation of exhibition: czech art of the 20th century
jan amos komensky, (proposed design of a monument ?)
jan jindrich lucembursky bust
jan neruda, detail
jan of nepomuk standing on a fish
jaroslav vrchlicky, detail from a stand
jiri mahen (?)
jiri podebradsky
john of nepomuk
john the baptist, detail of the left leg
john the baptist, detail of the right leg
josef barton from dobenin
josef hlavka
josef hlavka, detail
josef hlavka, sketch of monument
josef lauda's exhibition
josef manes, models of a monument in the studio
josef maratka's parents
josef maratka's working table
josef maratka as a profesof of acedemy of arts architecture and desing in prague with his students
josef maratka in burgher school in skolska street
josef maratka in his atelier in letna during work on sculptural group strenght
josef maratka with a pipe
josephine, relief
jupiter tonans
keystone, from st. vitus cathedral
keystone, shield with the czech lion
kidnapping - composition with a horse
kneeing woman
kneeling man
krakonos, detail
krocin fountain, a torso
krocin fountain, central figural column
krocin fountain, detail of central figure of column
krocin fountain, detail of dolphin from ledge kerb
krocin fountain, detail of extension with prague municipal emblem and neptun
krocin fountain, detail of neptun
krocin fountain, detail of pomon
krocin fountain, torso
lady's bust
lamentation of christ, detail
lapidarium of the national museum, hall 1, romanesque and gothic statues, lions from kourim in the front
lapidarium of the national museum, hall with baroque art
late gothic statue of st. jacob, detail
laying to grave
lazarus of bethany, sketch for the tomb of knights of albert on olsany cemetery
leaving for work
letter from a. rodin to j. maratka
life is escaping
lying bull
lying female allegorical figure
madona of alttoting, replica, detail of a head
madonna and child, detail
madonna enthroned
madonna of buchlovice
madonna of hronske, exhibition slovakian old art (?), detail
madonna of lubietova, exhibition stare umeni na slovensku (?)
madonna of lubietova, vystava stare umeni na slovensku (?), detail
madonna of ondrej/horka, assumpta
madonna of strazky
madonna of svabce, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
madonna on a throne (study)
madonna with baby jesus
male bust
male busts
male head (head)
male nude
male portrait (professor bohumil nemec, botanist)
man of sorrows
man with a broken nose
man with bulls, pasteboard for a stained glass covering of the courtyard of the hospodarska zalozna in kralovice (?)
mars punishing cupid
mars ultor
martial dance, olga gzowska
martyr, a detail
mary (one of three) from the holy sepulchre in freiburg
mary fram small calvary from bardejov
mary from crucifixion (?), baroque folk statue
mary from small calvary from bardejov (detail)
mary from st. majdelena, detail of mary's breasts
mary magdalene (model)
mary on a halfmoon, (assumpta)
masaryk schools and the statue of victor in front of rasin state grammar school
mask (variantion for black mask)
matej kopecky
matyas z arrasu bust
medallion k. purkyne
medallion of ladislav velen from boskovice
medallion of magdalena from duba and lipa
meditation (small), a detail
meeting of st. adalbert and boleslaus ii the pious at brevnov well, original state
melting, proposed design for a fountain
memory, the first sketch
metal depository at maniny
metal depository at maniny, sculptures and bells
metal sculpture of a foal
metal sculpture of a grouse
metal sculpture of a heron
michael antek
milano cross with the statue our lady of sorrows
milano cross with the statue our lady of sorrows, detail of christ's head
military funeral (funeral of legionnaires)
military gravestone
mimi halanova
miss a. d.
mme jallot, detail
modanna of ruzbachy
model for gravestone of a bishop (st. adalbert of prague ?)
model for monument to josef ressl in chrudim
model of a military monument
molting camel
monument on the grave to antonin slavicek
monument to b. smetana for karlovy vary
monument to bedrich smetana, sketch
monument to frantisek palacky
monument to ing. platovsky
monument to jan zizka from trocnov, detail of a model
monument to jan zizka from trocnov, model of horses
monument to jan zizka from trocnov, models of a horse
monument to stalin, proposed design
monument to the fallen for st. wenceslas chapel, a competition design
music, for foyer of the national theatre
napoleon b. a josefine, relief
napoleon b. and josephine, relief
napoleon i., relief
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, exterior of monastery with west gate; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
na slovanech (emmaus) monastery, the church of our lady, sts jerome, cyril and metodius, adalbert and prokop with a statue of saint placidus; damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945,
nave with the stations of the cross
old town bridge tower, st. sigismund and st. adalbert
old town bridge tower - wenceslas iv. and czech coat of arms
old town square and water reservoir at the mistr jan hus monument; area damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945; prague - old town, old town square
on duty! monumetn to fallen
oppression of home, relief for the monument to deliverance in prague
oppression of home, relief for the monument to deliverance in prague (?)
oriental head
ornamental capital
otokar brezina
our lady of lourdes
our lady of lourdes, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
part of a column in the lapidarium of national museum in prague (?)
part of a column with a smooth shaft from the tomb of st. vitus at the prague castle; exhibition of the national museum's lapidarium
pascal (?)
pasteboard for a stained glass covering of the courtyard of the hospodarska zalozna in kralovice (?)
pasteboards for stained glass covering of the apse of st. george basilica at prague castle
pf 1913 from mikolas ales
photograph of a sculptural studio
pieta bandini
pieta from liderovice, a detail
piety, gothic statue from piety altar in bardejov, detail of mary
piety of liderovice
piety x.
plaque (josef jan fric ?)
plaque: head
plaque for commemoration of the birth
portal with inscription praesidium, decorated with busts of charles iv, two sitting female figures and a sign of the capital city of prague at the old town hall; damaged during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
portrait bust
portrait mgph. vaclav kasalicky
portrait mudr. c. moucky
portrait of a. rodin
portrait of a boy - ladislav
portrait of a boy: frantisek tichy
portrait of a boy renee
portrait of a girl with braids
portrait of a girl with braids, profile
portrait of ant. matejcek
portrait of arch. vaclav kandert
portrait of architect josef kandert
portrait of a young man
portrait of bohuslav zakopal
portrait of composer v. blodek
portrait of h. fricova
portrait of ing. j. moucka
portrait of jaroslav kvapil
portrait of jiri stefan
portrait of ludmila batova
portrait of marie wagnerova-kulhankova (unfinished)
portrait of mgph. vaclav kasalicky
portrait of mrs. kupkova
portrait of mrs. s.
portrait of mrs. vlasta zindlova
portrait of mrs. weberova
portrait of principal paur
portrait of prof. k. hoffmann
portrait of the dancer t. p.
portrait of the father
portrait of vladimir borsky
prague and moldau
premysl the ploughman
president edvard benes, detail
president tomas garrigue masaryk
proposal design for a statue (annunciation ?)
proposed design for a book cover
proposed design for a fountain in melnik
proposed design for a monument of jan neruda
proposed design for a monument to alois jirasek in litomysl
proposed design for a monument to antonin slavicek with a dog
proposed design for a munument to j. vrchlicky
proposed design of a monument to dr. fr. lad. rieger i., finished 1913-1914
proposed design of a monument to dr. fr. lad. rieger ii., finished 1913-1914
proposed design of a monument to dr. fr. lad. rieger iv., finished 1913-1914
queen anne's summer palace, faun carrying a roe buck
queen anne's summer palace, two acanthus men in masks
rasin state grammar school with the sculpture of victor by jan stursa
reading girl / reader
relay runners, model
relief "grandmother" from bozena nemcova
relief, detail
relief decoration of tymnpanum from the church of st. bartholomew in kolin
relief from the czech history cycle
relief in memoriam
relief with a martyr scene (?)
reliquiary of st. wenceslas
resurrection (victorious christ)
rodin visiting the svu manes pavilion under the kinsky gardens on 30 june 1902
saint, folk statue
saint cajetan, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou, detail
saint cecilia, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou
saint of homole
saint sigismund of burgundy
saint teresa of avila (?), statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou
saint trinity chapel
sala terrena, hercules fights with the dragon and other statues, copy
scale model of placed city emblems in the orchard of friendship in lidice
scenes from life of the st. adalbert
scratching dog
sculptor's lodge of josef wagner in betlem near kuks, interior
sculptor marie zlatnikova with friends in the studio
sculptor marie zlatnikova with model and his portrait
sculptural group of st. anne of wissemburg, detail of mary
sculptural group of st. cyril and methodius, sketch ii.
sculptural group of st. cyril and methodius on charles bridge, sketch i. (one-tenth model)
sculptural group of st. cyril and methodius on charles bridge, sketch ii. (one-third model)
sculpture of night in front of an arcade of the big ballroom
sculpture of night in front of an arcade of the big ballroom, detail
sculpture of tomas garigue masaryk in the scrap metal depository at maniny in the holesovice port
sculpture repository in the st. salvator church (sculpture of frantisek rieger, by j. v. myslbek)
sculptures lumir and song, premysl and libuse
sculpture with st. bernad from claurvaux on charles bridge
sea lion
secretary of group v.u. p. f.p.
seina (woman with a drapery), detail
serpentine dancer
seslani ducha svateho (smrt p. marie), sousosi ze selcu
sheperd form beuron creche, probably damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
sign (?)
singing cupid
sitting cat and lying cat
sitting female nude with hand propped to her forehead
sitting female nude with hands clasped behind her head
sitting figure. sketch
sitting girl
sitting woman, proposal for a relief
sketch of a monument
sketch of a monument to fallen (?)
sketch of female figure
sketch of the 2nd version of sculptural group of st. cyril and methodius
sketch of the monument to antonin dvorak for prague
sketch of the monument to miroslav tyrs and jindrich fugner
sketch to funeral of legionnaires
slavata portal, from former slavata's villa at smichov
slavin, sarcophagus with the allegorical figure of the winged genius of the nation
slovakian gothic statue, half-figure of a saint
small colperteur
sohaj from lanzhot
sons of zebediah at st. jacob's (in the background a view of kutna hora)
sorrowful christ, folk statue
spring, summer
spring sighs
st. adalbert - abbot's trone in church of st. margaret in brevnov
st. andrew, detail
st. andrew the apostle, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou
st. andrew the apostle, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou, detail
st. ann chapel
st. ann teching mary
st. barbara
st. barbara on opys at prague castle
st. bishop (st. adalbert ?)
st. christopher, from the facade of prague loreto
st. florian
st. florian, detail
st. george
st. george killing a dragon, main altar of the st. gearge basilica in the prague castle, (removed)
st. helena
st. joachim with mary, a niche in the facade of the parish in namest nad oslavou
st. john nepomuk in prayer
st. johnn the baptist having a rest, detail
st. john of nepomuk
st. john of nepomuk, detail of the head
st. john the baptist
st. john the baptist, detail
st. john the baptist and st. vitus
st. joseph
st. katherine
st. leopold, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou, detail
st. ludmila, detail
st. maria magdalene
st. mary magdalene, bust
st. nicholas of myra, detail, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
st. nicholas of myra, exhibition slovakian old art (?)
st. nicolas
st. norbert
st. norbert, detail
st. nothburga (notburga)
st. peter, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou
st. philip neri (?), statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou, detail
st. sebastian
st. teresa of avila (?), statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou, detail
st. vitus
st. vitus, detail
st. wencaslas
st. wenceslas
st. wenceslas (?)
st. wenceslas chapel
st. wenceslas chapel, eastern wall with the statue of st. wenceslas
st. wenceslaus, statue on the baroque bridge in namest nad oslavou, detail
st. wencslas, detail
st. wolfgang
st. zikmund and st. adalbert
standing figure (woman)
standing girl
standing male torso
stations of the cross, 2nd station
stations of the cross, 9th station
stations of the cross, jesus christ and mercenaries
stations of the cross, jesus is judged by pilate
stations of the cross: bewailing
stations of the cross: crucifixion
stations of the cross: jesus is laid in the tomb
statue of a woman (eve)
statue of colonel josef jiri svec ( 1918)
statue of st. barbara, main altar
statue of st. barbara, side statue
statue of st. salvator (?)
statue of the president to a competition for the monument to t. g. masaryk
statues from the pillar crossing
statuette of sitting woman
stigmatization of st. francis of assisi
study for a monument to santos dumont
study for lying
study for symphony
study for triga
study of a hand
study of a head for monument to v. b. trebizsky for maranske lazne
study of a head of a monument to dr. fr. lad. rieger
study of a relief for savings bank in benesov
study of a woman nude
study of feet and a female hand
study of figure modesty for attica of new town hall
study of monument to josef manes, detail
study of painter j. f. limet - bust and study of nudes
study of the figure wreathing a flag
study of the head of st. wenceslaus of a monument to st. wenceslaus i., version of head
study of the head of st. wenceslaus of a monument to st. wenceslaus iii., version of head
study of the head of st. wenceslaus of a monument to st. wenceslaus vi., version of head
study to figure of nobility for aticc of the new town hall
st vitus cathedral, detail of buttress and gargoyle
summary report from j. v. myslbek on the eligibility of j. maratka
supported head
support head, relief of leaves and blossoms from the former church of the holy grand cross in prague
sv. apostol (?) nebo taktez zehnajici kristus
sv. josef s jeziskem, nika fasady fary v namesti nad oslavou
sv. josef s jeziskem v nice fasady fary v namesti nad oslavou, detail
symphony, (for grave stone of hadrabas family, kostelec nad orlici)
symphony, the first sketch
tatana pexova
textile industry
the angel from the former group sculpture of st. francis of assisi from the charles bridge
the bust of andrew kotlik, 4th builder of the cathedral
the bust of joanna of bavaria
the bust of john henry of luxembourg
the bust of john of luxembourg
the bust of matthias of arras
the bust of wenceslas, duke of luxembourg
the capital of the column from the basilica of st. george at prague castle
the cathedral of the holy ghost, the ambo
the church of st. nicholas, kolowrat coat of arms
the church of the assumption and the marian pillar
the emblem of the leather-workers' guild from the church of the holy sepulchre
the equestrian statue of st. wenceslas
the female bust
the female bust, a book added
the g letter, the table from prague gate (former old gate)
the infant jesus of prague in altar's box
the keystone with the shield and the czech lion
the knight from the facade of the church of st. jacob in jakub near kutna hora
the lapidarium of the national museum, hall no. 1, romanesque and gothic artefacts
the main altar with the last supper, copied from the destroyed original from 1502 ad
the mala strana coat-of-arms above the entrance to the tower near the church of st. nicholas at malostranske square
the marian pillar, the cathedral of the holy ghost, the white tower and the townhall
the mask
theme: 30 years of communist party of czechoslovakia, people's militias year 1948, still life (coat and rifle)
theme: against all, hussite bishop, still life
the metal depository at maniny; prague - holesovice, maniny, holesovice port . jan hus
the metal depository at maniny; prague - holesovice, maniny, holesovice port. jan hus
the pastophorium
the pedestal of the monument of karolina svetla
the portal from the church of st. procopius in zabori, the tympanum from the church of st. jacob in jakub
the portal of the church of st. procopius of sazava, a detail
the portrait of lawyer antonin schauer
the portrait of senator frantisek koiher
the prodigal son from confessional in st. kliment's church
the pulpit and the pastophorium
the scrap metal depository at maniny in the holesovice port: busts, medails of presidents edvard benes and tomas garigue masaryk, and the others sculptures
the sitting
the third courtyard of prague castle, obelisk (monolithe of mrakotin)
the tombstone of ludmila of thurn, nee berkova ( 1558) and her sons
the tombstone of peter parler
the townhall, the white tower and the marian pillar
the tympanon from the dance club at stvanice, the statues representing the four seasons, from the destroyed house in prague 2, number 773
the tympanum from the church of st. bartholomew in kolin, a detail
three-part confessional
three piece confessional
three tombstones
thrift (model?)
thun-hohenstein palace, portal
thun-hohenstein palace, portal, detail of the eagle
tile, st. katherine
tile, st. paul
tile, st. peter
to commemorate of birth of antonin wagnera, 27. 5. 1935
toilette (combing)
tomb of architect j.p. sebek and anna sebkova, madonna ornate
tomb of borivoj ii, jerusalem (milanese) candlestick, john the baptist chapel
tomb of bretislav ii
tomb of bretislav ii, detail
tomb of john of nepomuk, detail
tomb of john of nepomuk, detail of putto
tomb of premysl otakar ii, detail
tomb of spytihnev ii., detail
tombstone of adam zaluzansky of zaluzany from the bethlehem chapel
tombstone of albert de crossna ( 1399), rector of st. nicholas church
tombstone of herman czernin of chudenice and his wife sylvie katerina of milessimo
tombstone of matthew of arras
tombstone of postmaster remedius tomasek
tombstone of schonberger the canon, detail
tombstone of the abbot jan podnavec from former benedictine st. john the baptiste monastery on the island by davle
tombstone of the engineer leo platovsky
tombstone of the engineer platovsky, detail
tombstone of vratislav of pernstejn ( 1582), detail of the head
to nadezda born 1.3.1934 to commemorate from j. wagner
topic: against all, hussite warrior
tops of vials from st. barbara's church in kutna hora
torso of a male nude
torso of an old man, detail
torso of christ from bardejov nova ves, detail of the head
torso standing on a stone
triga for national theater in prague, draft
triga for national theater in prague, model
tumb of bretislav i
two angels, folk statue
two children
two figures from marian column on prague old town square
two legs
two torsos (for play of boris godunov)
tympanon with a rose, grapes and a sign ihs (?)
tympanum, detail
tympanum with holy trinity
vaclav lucembursky bust
vase (dead bird); hana wichterlova's garden - so called stage; vase (in the background); dead bird (in the background)
venus from the destroyed thun-hohenstein palace in prague
version of laurel (?)
view from the national museum's ramp to wenceslas square (sculptures of silesia, vltava, cechie) during the prague uprising on 5-9 may 1945
view out of the damaged northern church tower gallery of our lady before tyn towards old town hall
view to a historical exhibition (busts from triforium of st. vitus cathedral and portrait nobility)
virgin mary
virgin mary (?)
vision (faden leaf)
vision of st. hubertus
vladislav vancura (?)
vysehrad cemetery
vyzdoba stropu, chodba b, chodba atalanty, horni pole dioskurove-zavod na konich (b 19), spodni pole zena nesouci kosik, mysticka cesta
vyzdoba stropu, chodba b, chodba atalanty, nike (algorie vitezstvi - historie)
vyzdoba stropu, chodba b, chodba atalanty, vlevo silen nesouci na zadech satyra, uporstred orfeus s gryfem (apolon), dole bakchicky pruvod s opilym panem (b 16)
war memorial, deatil
war memorial. detail
wenceslaus iv of bohemia bust
wimmer's fontaine in a park, middle part
wing of the cloister damaged by bombing on 14 february 1945
wolfgang amadeus mozart, obverse
woman with a vase
woman with fruit
work record of josef maratka for the catalogue of rodin's prague exhibition
young mother
zlican prince radoslav bowing down before st. wenceslas, detail of st. wenceslas' head at the exhibition: prague baroque 1600-1800. art in czech lands 17th-19th century
folk sculpture
folk faience
high relief
colored (?)
glass painting
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